Mokoko Boards, Mokoko Pets, Animal Outfits, PvP Season Begins and more! Lost Ark March 2022 Patch

Mokoko outfits not included. Soon tm. A decent start, hope to see T1/T2 Honing catchup and Challenge Abyss and Challenge Guardians soon. – I stream Lost Ark here almost every day! My personal discord! You can get a ping role if you want to be notified when I go live on twitch/YT. GGanboos! An NA West community. Almost 1k members! All are welcome even if you aren’t from NA West.

00:00 Mokoko Mount
00:19 Animal Outfits
00:40 Guardian Event and New Vendor
02:21 PvP Season begins and possible rewards
03:40 Mokoko Mounts, Animal Skins, Pets and other gifts
05:10 Card Selection Packs
06:39 Free honing materials given
08:12 Bot Prevention and RMT
09:24 Overall thoughts of the patch (its ok)


38 thoughts on “Mokoko Boards, Mokoko Pets, Animal Outfits, PvP Season Begins and more! Lost Ark March 2022 Patch”

  1. They put this out because of the recent mistakes they did in-game like an apology gift, and I absolutely love the idea of the colors they did on the board/little motoko seed! So kawaii πŸ₯°

  2. Not really fussed about the anthropomorphic costumes but the rest of the stuff looks good.

    Every so often you see a goldspammer with a "normal" name which is usually an indication that it's an account that was compromised following a gold purchase. Which means that since the game only requires a steam account to play the damage from buying gold from scummy sites might well be more than just within lost ark.

  3. This is merely a bribe to keep us dumb players playing, but I wont this time. I wont waste any money/time/gold on a class I dont wanna play. The biggest mistake these 2 companies did was NOT releasing all classes and gated people behind a paywall in t3. No gifts is gonna save this mess unless they fix the 2 most important parts.

  4. stopping gold sellers and buyers wont solve anything, things will get expensive this way and as an end game player either you will have the patience for the perfect item that might not come or you gonna buy it to boost your stat/dmg and to be in the end game content. this happened to other games and all we see is ppl quiting for not affording the items they need or honning materials. saw some ppl quiting cuz of crystaline aura??? but either way it depends on how to be smart in the game and manage your economy.

  5. May you please gimme info on that outfitt that you have? Not sure if its in the chest that we got in the animal chest outfit selection and I DO wanna match my dreaming moko pet, board with the outfit?

  6. I want to know how the skins work, because u get 7 collections, but I see many more than just 7 skins in the gifts, can someone explain pls. If for example I open the cat collection do I get all the cat variants?

  7. does this game ever give out character slot extensions for free? id really like to add more alts and try other classes without deleting characters and keep my f2p status untainted. and seems the only way to get these is through royal crystals. i wish there was atleast an option for blue crystals πŸ™

  8. A honing failure just hurts even more, because I wasted even more mats. I really don't know if I will continue playing this game. It might not be the right fit for Europeans. btw: almost no one is wearing the new outfits on my server.

  9. "Do not RMT"
    Well you see…Heres the thing. Every top guild RMT's along with basically every top player. This is for multiple reasons, 1. being that it's MUCH cheaper by a lot 2. You can only spend 1k a day if you pay through the game 3. You either spend 5x the real money or just RMT through secondary websites and if you are spending money ANYWAY it's probably more worth the risk to just RMT.
    How do I know almost everyone at the top RMT's? Well that's my little secret or I'd get in trouble but a lot of top players have OPENLY been banned for RMT'ing already in game so if you think there aren't THOUSANDS more at the top level who just buy gold from sites you are smoking that good good.
    This is the same for 99% of mmo's, if you can buy gold from an outside source then almost everyone at a top level is going to do it. It's always cheaper by A LOT and if you want to compete you HAVE TO. Because again this game specifically even has a system that you can't spend more than 1k a day and most whales spend EASILY over 10-20k a month and aren't willing to wait 2 days for ONE weapon upgrade at high ilvl. And yes that's enough for 1k a day BUT you can't even do one FULL upgrade per day which is what they want.
    A single weapon upgrade around +21/+22 costs upwards of 2 THOUSAND dollars. Just for perspective and that's RMT price.


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