Modern Warfare 3's Multiplayer Map Offering Has A Bit More To It…

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Now that Modern Warfare 3 is fully revealed and we’ve discussed multiplayer at a top down level, I wanted to take some time to explore further the topics at hand that may cause some questions or could use a bit more clarity. One such topic is that of the maps for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer at launch and going forward. Today we’re going to hopefully provide a bit more insight into what you can expect for Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer and how it stacks up historically speaking to where we’ve been the last two years. As we go along, let me know what you think about Modern Warfare 3’s multiplayer offering overall, what you think of the maps and so on. If you enjoy the video, do me a favor and drop a like on it and if you’re new to the channel, we’re only just getting started for content here on Modern Warfare 3, lots more to discuss along with other FPS content here upcoming so if you’d like to stay in the loop, I’d love to have you. For now, let’s take a look at these Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer maps that you should be aware of and everything to come.

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00:00 – Intro
01:08 – All Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Launch Maps
03:29 – The NEW Multiplayer Maps at Modern Warfare 3’s Launch
04:32 – The Much Larger Post-Launch Map Offering in Modern Warfare 3
07:46 – Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!


38 thoughts on “Modern Warfare 3's Multiplayer Map Offering Has A Bit More To It…”

  1. My only concern is should I start a fresh new account or use the one I already maxed everything in mw2 level 800?i know there is a carry system but if I already start everything maxed i wont have anything to grind?any thought?

  2. Listen I’d rather have 12 remastered maps that are great i am saying there’s a couple that aren’t great from og mw2 rather than them developing new maps that we may get 2-5 that a actually playable

  3. Stop acting like you're dumb espresso. You know damn well they aren't going to do more than 12 that still only amount to several maps each season. So it's going to take us like 6 months to get 6-8 new maps. This is not a win, when I first read that they were giving us 12 maps post-launch I thought it meant we would be getting all of them at once after like season 1 for instance. Now I realize they mean drip-fed throughout the entire year of the games life which like I said only amounts to a few maps each season. So we won't actually have like 12 new maps until like this time next year lmfao. What a joke the new maps are the DLC in the old maps are the launch maps, which is fine for people who have never played them but most of us have.

  4. I feel like for 6v6 Content, each Season is going to get 2 New Maps + 1 Remake because MW2 (2009) only had 6 Original DLC Maps (Bailout, Salvage, Storm, Carnival, Fuel, Trailer Park) so it would be a huge missed opportunity for a game that's meant to be an ode to MW2, to NOT have 1 of those DLC Maps every Season, plus it just lines up too perfectly for it to NOT happen… right? I already know people are gonna call "hopium" on this comment, i'm just saying it's a cool idea, that's all.

  5. So are all the MW2 2022 maps going to be absent from this years title as well? And are the remasters maps going to include the usable doors? I.e. Scrapyard remake from MW 2019?

  6. 16 remastered maps from 10+ years ago are still gonna be “new” to the player base. Once we get to season two, youll hardly notice the remastered maps. The only way the post launch maps don’t pop is if they’re too big like 2019.


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