Mingles with Jingles Episode 482 – Salt Mine Q+A June

It’s a week later than usual but it’s finally here.

This video also available on Floatplane: https://www.floatplane.com/channel/TheMightyJingles/home


49 thoughts on “Mingles with Jingles Episode 482 – Salt Mine Q+A June”

  1. As a species we should be less worried about going to mars and more concerned with going to heaven lol. People think they can leave the planet and escape the problems that they themselves cause.

  2. For what the military got right the first time is canteens and silverwhere but other than that idk. The military virtually messes everything up. Best military stupididy story comes from an early part of vietnam war marine. They where trained on the M14 rifle when they got to vietnam they where issued the M16. He said that the ammo was fine it was the lobbies who got the bolt carrier group made out of aluminum. Under slow fire this was fine but under heavy shooting of combat and a couple magazines in the bolt carrier would expand and lock up the gun. They had to pour water from their canteens to cool it off so the m16 would work again. The forward assist is a relic of when the bolt carrier group was made with aluminum. After a bit those guns got taken right out of their hands and they where given new m16 that didnt have that issue.

  3. Equipment that worked as intended when introduced. The Maxim, the 1911, and the Browning 50 cal. Because Hiram Maxim, and John Moses Browning were God's when it came to firearms design.

  4. Hi jingles prayers for Eddie. He’s a good dude. If you ever come back to see bb nj would love to meet u. Hey in Boston there’s battleship cove and bb mass and Salem and few other ships there. Gotta call out nebulous commander. Love your book recommendations. Have read james hornfisher and have been collecting expanse books on audible

  5. I have absolutely no hesitation in naming as the stupidest moment in history: Brexit.
    A pack of lies by a bunch of fraudsters selling xenophobia to the masses for their own personal gain.

  6. 1st and foremost, wishing Eddie all the best positive thoughts and prayers for a full recovery! 2nd Warm hugs to everyone in Eddie's circle of friends & family!
    Sorry to hear about your dad, he must've had something good about him, because YOU ARE AN ACE!
    I hope we can get our collective butts in gear and start the colonial process in space, your details of what Mars actually is like was the 1st I've heard of the specific challenges that we face. I'm sure if I would have done some research on it, I would have known more, I just haven't spent the time and energy to do so. It sounds alot more difficult then I thought it would be, too much Hollywood influence I guess.
    QUESTION I just recently heard of the salvaging of wartime naval wreckage by China, and how entire ships and battle memorials have been swept from the oceans. Not just British, but American, Dutch, Japanese, and Australian ships that were tombs for so many fallen military members have been desecrated. Any thoughts on these reports?
    Thanks as always for all your great content, love you brother

  7. Hope Eddie is doing okay! Wish him luck. But from experience make the most of the time you have with him now as oncologists tend to be rather optimistic when it comes to time and expectations.
    Things that are not well apprecaited – nitrites used in maturing bacon greatly increase your risk of bacon – it's banned in France, they tried to bann it in the US (congress challenged the meat industry in the 1970s to prove that they didn't, they couldn't but they strung it out long enough to lead to a change of government). It's not banned in the UK either but nitrite free bacon is available (This is what they mean by "processed meat" causing cancer).
    Other modifiable risk factors are obestiy and smoking, people think smoking is all about lung cancer but actually it's lots of different cancers and the main way it leads to people dying is through heart attacks and ischaemic heart disease.
    Take care of yourself too!
    All the best!

  8. I suspect there's a difference (percieved or not) in military grade in terms of "it meets the minimum specifications for use under certain conditions (e.g. extreme old and heat etc.) I know what you mean though – I feel the same about lots of things advertised as "used by doctors" when they are only tangentially related to medicine!

  9. I don't actually think Bismark was wrong, the problem was that he assumed that everyone else would want to avoid war, unfortunately that wasn't the case. I suggest that you read into the death of Arch Duke Ferdinand – he was only alone and without protection because he'd married his wife and therefore almost been disowned by his father, his last words to his wife were "Don't die Sophie, think of the children". The war was entirely avoidable even after that point, serbia even agreed to the demands made by Austria Hungary that were designed to be unacceptable to them, the fact was though that both Austria Hungary and Germany believed they could win a war and were keen to fight it – similarly had they not invaded Belgium it's possible that Britain could have stayed out of it.

  10. I am 72 next month, basically a 'Boomer.' You are aware that Boomers are big navy subs with kick-ass missiles aboard right? Don't mess with us. Internet illiterate? Who the bleep do you think created the internet? Gen X'ers??? Oh, and as for bad fathers, mine was a WW2 pedophile, it seems that a lot of ww2ers.. are child molesters, must be what they were exposed to overseas. Places like Germany with a age of consent of 12 or Japan 13, while in the USA it 18 in sixteen states, 16 in the rest. They got home and hey, my daughter is legal right?

    I've had cancer, tell Eddy it is beatable but hard, like living on Mars hard. Best of luck to him.

  11. First I've heard about it, but all the best Eddie! We are all thinking of you <3
    Good to hear he has strong support from family and good friends like you and Rita

  12. Saying "Bioshock Infinite" was the least popular is quite a huge mistake I feel. It might have been the least loved, out of the 3, but it certainly was the MOST popular. It reached mainstream way more than the earlier Bioshock games.

  13. Best wishes for Eddie. Cancer has hit my family multiple times, and it's horrible.

    Also "HMS Intrepid in New York"? You silly fool, we left the empire centuries ago.

  14. Akshuly, Jingles, nobody gives us Gen Xers any crap because they forget we exist. There is a reason we are also called the Forgotten Generation. Case in point: CBS ran a story back in 2019 with an infographic that completely missed us.
    And give Eddie our best!

  15. USS "Lady" Lexington (CV-16) is in Corpus Tx.. Along with the Dry Docked under repair Battleship (BB-35) Texas .. USS Cavalla (SS-244), a Gato-class submarine (sanke the Shōkaku) in Galveston (Near Corpus) along with the USS Stewart a Edsall-class destroyer escort. lastly in Galveston .. 1877 Tall Ship ELISSA

  16. USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, I met The Chieftain there during a wargaming event, didn't get to meet Jingles though, USS Texas is currently under repair and is closed until they're done.

  17. Stupidest moment has to be the classic Russian Baltic fleet sailing half way around the world to take on the Japanese. Always a story I love to hear you tell Jingles.

    All the best to Eddie, hope treatment goes well.

  18. I went through chemo treatments for cancer about 22 years ago, I was about 10 years old. I was extremely fortunate that it wasn't even to the point of being classified as stage 1. It was Osteosarcoma a type of bone cancer. Just one day I got home from school I could barely get off the couch because I was in so much pain. My mother thought it was that I got fooling around and pulled something. After about 2 days of this pain, she brought me to my pediatrician. He knew something was wrong, so he sent me to St. Albans a fairly small city in Franklin Country Vermont for X-rays. They couldn't see what the problem was. So, I was sent to Burlington, they did an MRI. Which was difficult because of the pain I couldn't sit still it found a tumor on my left femur. I was then sent to Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital they did a biopsy. After it was done, I was set in a room by myself. After about 15 minutes a man came in and broke the news to me that I had cancer. The tumor had caused a lyphnode in my groin to become irritated causing the pain. Of course, I was terrified as my grandfather had cancer years before. He ended up dying of brain cancer in 2008 after being in remission from a previous case of cancer. The moment I got back to Burlington Vermont I began chemo treatments. The treatments will make you sick but so will the cancer, it more than likely will cause a heightened sense of smell. Which some smells will make you sick. Mine was Hand sanitizer, hot plastic, hot pavement and hot rubber. But oddly I could eat pizza but not drink OJ. Things high in acid usually cause mouth sores. If Eddie has a chance, he should take it. I hope he pulls through; miracles are a thing.

  19. Not everyone adheres to the generation stereotypes like most things they are not always accurate. My grandfather was born in 1927 he only had an 8th grade education, back in his time at the 8th grade you had a choice to leave school or continue and graduate with a diploma. Diplomas were not as important back then as they are now. Back when people hired based on work ethic and experience rather than if you had a name on a piece of paper. He served in the US military at the age of 16 during ww2, wasn't discovered to be that young until 2 or 3 years later. He was good at woodworking and was the one that got me into computers. This was way back in the 90s. The first PC I played around with was a old MS DOS. You had to know the command lines to launch applications there was no GUI in an operating system with those. Commander Keen games were my favorite. He also had a Windows 95 and later 98 PC. He learned all of it from manuals and taking the time to learn about them. Now we have 3-year-olds with cellphones.

  20. Telltale games were rendered defunct 11th of October 2018 due to bankruptcy. It was bought by LCG Entertainment Inc a little bit after, but still uses the Telltale Games name when doing business.

  21. I'm a boomer and I've been working with and making computers do my bidding since 1973. I probably know more about the Internet, the World-Wide-Web (they're not the same), and industrial control systems than 99% of Gen-X.


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