Ming Dynasty Reset

Looking into the Ming Dynasty and possible traces of a destructive event
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35 thoughts on “Ming Dynasty Reset”

  1. It seems like they're trying to cover up the years during which the destruction and the reset took place. Something is off about them claiming you'll find 1600s and 1700s porcelain marked with 1400s markings. The chinese aren't like that, I don't believe they would have done that. Sounds silly actually.

  2. Sounds to me as though Melbourne is being described more as a trailer park than anything, however, that word description did not exist during that era. As for the Iron Kilns, it is very quite possible it was their start-up to being important to the community i.e. there was lots of iron ore in the area they just had to melt, sift and mold it for sale, making their trailer park community a viable resource in commerce. There are plenty of videos online now showing people collecting dirt from their back yard and extracting iron to make tools, knifes and cooking equipment. I myself cast pewter but I've enjoy the hobby of what can be called, foundry or smithing. I even have a 90 lbs anvil that has been used more often than not. Great video. Thumbs up.

  3. Martial arts guy here, this was no mud flood or anything like that, the Ming were wiped out by the Qing and anyone found still loyal to them would be tortured along with 3 generations of their family which is where North Korea today got the idea from.

  4. You know… It just occurred to me that a worldwide revolt of the enslaved masses could likely result in a destroyed civilization. I'm guessing this is not only possible but is likely the most common of "worldwide cataclysms"…

  5. Why would it be unlikely to build an iron foundry in a village with 4.5 K inhabitants ?
    Nothing more than normal if you plan to go constructing a fast growing village.
    In those days in Europe they did the same things so it wasn't something that still had to be invented.
    Especially in Australia there is a lot of iron so it's kind of logic they wanted to build a foundry.
    What I think is strange about that rubble under the foundry is where that came from.
    I don't believe the British tea drinkers did bring a ship filled with brick rubble.

  6. There's 5000 people and they want to expand their town. Why wouldn't they make an iron foundry? Your "doesn't sound likely" is actually extremely likely

    This comment has nothing to do with this video, but rather the BOB phenomena in your clown videos.
    Just found another interesting Bob reference in the movie “looper”, and though the time travel topic has never been something I’ve put too much thought into, not that I haven’t considered some aspects of time and possible travel, the movie intrigued me after I watched the trailer and read the reviews.
    The Bob reference occurs at 1:17:04 mark, and it’s a wanted poster of a stylized cowboy in black that looks like he’s about to draw both revolvers from his belt, and the caption, or his name rather, at the bottom is “BAD BOB” 😅. Obviously Bob is a common name, but the associations possible given how he is portrayed, what his role is, what the image or text can be associated with, and other aspects of this phenomenon are pretty fascinating.
    The 1:17 minute mark is 711 backwards, what I would consider to be a fairly symbolic occult #, and Bad Bob backwards is the start of Bob Dab-olina or Bob Dabs. And the dabolina backwards is anilo-bad. Añilo in Spanish means indigo, or as a verb means to dye something blue or indigo. Anilo is also very close to anillo 💍 meaning ring.
    Probably reaching, but I think it would be interesting to dissect some of the phrases that pop up in the more obvious occult references to Bob and play around with the letters looking for anagrams and other alpha-numeric connections.
    Cheers. Was laughing out loud when I saw it like “son of a b**ch, the references really are everywhere”. I have paused this movie several times in different spots looking at the graffiti and other number letter references all throughout.
    The cowboy is presented right next to the kid with the crazy telekinetic powers in the movie, and the scene has other Interesting imagery in it. The kids name is Sid (El Cid means “the lord” and was a famous Spanish knight in the 11 century)
    Cheers, good tidings and prayers to you and to everyone 🙏😊

  8. Everything on earth seems to get buried, the sphinx has been buried multiple times over the years. This may sound like a stupid question, but where does all the dirt/mud come from that seems to cover everything and adds an extra layer to earth where new civilizations have to be built on top of the old. Seriously, where is all this matter coming from?

  9. Interestingly in 1802 there was barely 23,000 people in Sydney…. the UK had basically told them they were on their own…. as for the rest of the continent the narratives are usually invented B.S cover stories…. plausible enough to dupe the normies….

  10. Please check out piano music from 1800s. It is so sophisticated for such a primitive people just coming off of a reset! Especially Beethoven who was deaf and used his testicles to write his music. And Chopin! As much as I enjoy the music it just seems like another inheritance from our predecessors!

  11. Those huge kilns were buried? That’s a LOT of debris…because those are HUGE. 😳 Imagine trying to fill an airplane hanger with dirt and rocks top to bottom. Just doesn’t make sense. 🤷‍♂️

  12. A thousand years from now someone will discover the Great Pyramid for the first time…again. Cities will be great iron ore deposits waiting to be discovered again by the first minors of this next story line. Rinse Recycle Repeat.


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