Millionaire CONFRONTS Andrew Tate on Being BANNED, Making $9M/Month, and MARRIAGE

In this short interview I talk to Andrew Tate on his ban, how he was making $9 million a MONTH, and his best marriage advice for men


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Matt Sapaula, is a former United States Marine turned veteran entrepreneur.

Matt helps those in transition of a new career and occupation to become an entrepreneur while acquiring the confidence, mindset and skills to win the money game.

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MATT SAPAULA YOUTUBE CHANNEL DISCLAIMER: Matt Sapaula is not a registered investment advisor for the offering or sale of securities nor to provide investment advice. Matt only deals in securities subject to an exemption from registration and will only provide investment services to accredited investors as defined by the Illinois Securities Act of 1953.


27 thoughts on “Millionaire CONFRONTS Andrew Tate on Being BANNED, Making $9M/Month, and MARRIAGE”

  1. You're all wasting yr time chasing money. In the end when agenda 2030 depopulation rolls out with the one world digital currency only the rich will be rich. They will control all your money digital. They can lock and unlock access to your money

  2. This is the dangerous digital age we are living in.
    They disguised it as convenience but these arrogant egotistical so called leaders have the Thanos effect in that they can click their fingers & make you disappear!

  3. If "getting rich"is worth losing your the respect of your wife/partner & children, go down this path. Even your male friends will begin shunning you. No woman will tolerate this disrespect, the kids see right through this. Money is not going to solve your issues if you use it to abuse those around you. I said what I said.

  4. "If the people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

    Thomas Jefferson

    End the federal reserve and the Rothschild

  5. Instagram and youtube banned him, okay that I can kind of understand. But why on earth did his banks ban him too? What was the justification behind that?

  6. Do u know r u talking about I love me Edith but I hear u man I love php but it ain't for the weak u need be a pit bull and hungry nvr forget those role models meet new people n keep learn from them


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