Million on Mars: Exploring The Red Cliffs Of Valles

Million on Mars® is the most fun you can have building a base on Mars with your friends. Web-based crafting, with the ability to post jobs for other players, and earn currency doing jobs as well! Buy and sell NFTs on the WAX blockchain, and play-to-earn virtual currency Dusk.

Come hang out with GrilledCheeseSandies live on twitch every Friday at 11a-12p Central time!

Jump on the next rocket to Mars and Play today!

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2 thoughts on “Million on Mars: Exploring The Red Cliffs Of Valles”

  1. Do not buy from this douche bag and for sure do not join any settelment this douche is part of or running. He is just trying to get you to pay fees to him. He trys to promote himself as "helping newbies". DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! He just wants to make money off of unsuspecting new players coming into MoM. I will quote him, "If you are an established player, you will like this". He is referring to fees and taxes implemented recently. This CHOAD just wants to help the devs and himself on their ROI. Don't fall for this asshat charlatan.


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