Mill is a Timeless Archetype | MTG Arena

With Timeless mostly being a low cost format, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter has to be a bonkers card!

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41 thoughts on “Mill is a Timeless Archetype | MTG Arena”

  1. MILL… when i see this with a TCG competitive card game, I think of looking at the top card, and moving it to another place with effects, and repeating, untappoing characters and keeping on in the same turn… Am i correct? my Marvel Defenders deck or Injustice Gang decks with almost infinite draws, searchers,
    and board control / "opponent's hand" control.

  2. @17:45 – "they have anti-mill"… sure can be uncommon, but… well honestly it is one thing I always take into consideration, in VS System version 1 (2005) we always have the "ko target ressource" or ongoing plot twist in the OP's ressource row to remove the option to see the top card/milling …

  3. I think I prefer 4 counterspell and 2 memory lapse. It's decent for dealing with threats, but counterspell does it better. Memory lapse needs an additional effect to permanently deal with the spell, one that counteracts your game plan. Counterspell just says, "do not pass go"

  4. What can the opponent do differently with Lembas in the last game? It needs to be put to the GY from the battlefield for it to be shuffled back to the library, and with what available on the field I don’t see a way for them to avoid the draw trigger of the Lembas itself, someone enlighten me?

  5. That last play with pushing your own crab was genius. I've played rakdos mid at the most competitive level for the last 2 years and not even I would have thought to game that hard with push.

  6. my Azorius build has Summary Dismissal specifically for rando deck matchups in BO1 for field of the dead/combo/storm golgari build…no one ever see the card coming when they think they have the nut5

  7. I’ve been playing Seth’s Nexus deck. Only format I LOVE running into Mill in, having my Uro’s fed and seeing those Nexus’ shuffle back into the deck over and over when they hit the yard 😂


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