Mile High Taxi | Review in 3 Minutes

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Will Cruz reviews Mile High Taxi, developed by Cassius John-Adamns

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46 thoughts on “Mile High Taxi | Review in 3 Minutes”

  1. weird, im on my ps2 playing NYR (new york race) which is the fith element racing game, flying car taxi racing. and gotta say…its 1000x times better than what im watching here. shame too. because i was freaked out thinking. OMG, someone has remade what im playing now haha. true shame, a racing hover car game or crazy taxi game done well would be awesome.

  2. Flying cars is such a dumb idea. Two cars hit each other on the ground, 2 cars are wrecked.
    Two cars hit in the air? They start picking up more on the way down like a Space Hulk and blast a crater in whatever they land on.

  3. Looks like it's missing the arcadey feel of Crazy Taxi. I like the concept but feels like it requires more polish. For the price of this game you could just get Hi-Fi Rush…

  4. Adding third dimension to Crazy Taxi sounds like a good idea, but are the environments all the same? Buildings and buildings upon buildings. Is that supposed to be to not bother with draw distance and make the game run smoother? Original CT was able to reach much further and this be smooth like butter. The customization looks like it may as not even be there. Just have 3-4 distinct characters. I dunno, feels like there isn't much for that price, especially since you can get Crazy Taxi for less and even mod whatever music you want there.

  5. It's a real shame that Sega won't do anything with the Crazy Taxi franchise – with so many remasters, you'd think Crazy Taxi Trilogy (or even remasters of 1 & 2, given how Microsoft have a claim on 3) would do good business.

  6. I saw "multipass" and assume it is filled with 5th Element references.
    If the free-roam doesn't reveal enough of those (or similar entertainment) then I think that was a missed opportunity.

  7. Be interesting to have a new mode for Crazy Taxi where you start with a crap taxi and use the funds you earn to upgrade it, eventually into a voss super taxi. Would work in something like this too, as a separate mode from the arcade stuff.

  8. Even if I accept that all the jank is intentional (which it probably is). Asking for $17 when nowadays a AAA game on sale can go for $5 is kind of hard to accept. The amount of effort that is put into a bargain bin game like NFS Heat, makes this look like a student project, maybe a game jam result, yet it's 3x more expensive.
    I understand that people need to be paid no matter the size and scope of the project, but in the end, I've played more interesting games for free.
    I have to question the business strategy here.

  9. I'll be amazed if anyone else remembers this, but it looks like they took their entire art design from the National Geographic Kids "Future World" issue. It's honestly the thing that most interests me about this game.

  10. Hahaha this looks terrible … The models look bad the animations on humans is ugly and there's no character to the world.

    What I'm being unfair? New York racer (PC2001) … Yep it's old but there's character to those buildings. There's collisions between cars … It feels like a place.


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