Mike Zeisberger on Kyle Dubas' Future As The GM Of The Toronto Maple Leafs.

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29 thoughts on “Mike Zeisberger on Kyle Dubas' Future As The GM Of The Toronto Maple Leafs.”

  1. Just heard this entire podcast on Spotify. Regarding his views on Auston Matthews, Bob McCowan is the biggest clown in Toronto media. The only one he shares that stage with is Howard Berger.

  2. he's coming back, another year of the Doofis and Keefe show, can't wait 🙄🙄🙄 Kyle Doofis is responsible for giving away $16 million dollars of the salary cap to a guy who can't skate (john tavares) and an EBUG goalie who gets injured during practice (matt murray) these two BUMS take up $16 MILLION DOLLARS!!!

  3. If I said If keefe is fired my hope is that they will think of guy boucher. Why because of his psychologie he is very clever and can bring a system that makes them win

  4. The leafs beat what should have been 3x cup champs tbl. This tbl team should be in the finals this year.

    Dubas can draft well as he was a scout. Leafs have not drafted well for 20yrs before 2016. If you let him walk after the mathews era they will struggle to make the playoffs for 10yrs minimum. Leafs are few peices away need grit and hard d

  5. I do agree with u on everything u say that this team should do and fire everyone. And I wish we can just keep Mathews and get rid of everyone or rather have two impact players that would almost do what he does for a few years . But in leafs DNA no matter who u get at some point u have to pay them tons of money to keep them happy . Same with the gm and everyone . Just a thought

  6. On the 2nd thought . The leafs always say they would whatever it takes to do better but other teams are not stupid enough . They will also do the same and get better and not let leafs beat them because for media and the fans it looks bad . Of course the players will say I love it here in Toronto because they will end up getting paid tons of money .

  7. Reilly+ Brodie as to pair are pathetic, they cannot make an outlet pass. . Tavares is a line killer, cannot and will not pass . keefe has no breakout game AT ALL. Keefe is blessed some of the best talent in the NHL and yet he can't get them puck.

  8. How can Dubas look at himself in the mirror and say 'I did a good job. I want to keep putting out this crap team". It's shameful. The team has NEVER been built right to win in the playoffs (look at the core 5, not good enough). WE ALL KNOW IT. Step down son. go GM in the Soo.

  9. Get rid of Coach Keefe! Get rid of three of the core 4, and maybe keep Willy! As usual Mathews, Marner and Travares disappear in the playoffs!!!

  10. Dubas..Seems like a melodramatic rationalized saving tactic..not usually cynical but cmon the guy has been unable to move on from an inexperienced first time head coach in Keefe…would like to see Leafs move a tad away from this insular club exclusive identity. This is an NHL team…everyone involved..can do better. The magnifying glass mentality is frankly lamentable.,

  11. Dubas is not at fault. He keeps building better and better rosters…. wtf else do you want him to do? He can't prevent injury to the starting goalie, he can't make refs allow legit goals.

  12. There is an alternative that isn't being discussed, and that would be to let the Nylander and Matthews play out their contracts and then decide whether or not to bring them back. If they decide to leave, the team will have over $18 million in cap space. The problem in trading these players is that the Leafs will have to take back at least $10 million in contracts (or more). I can't see a team just trading prospects and draft picks. Kyle has not done a very good job when it comes to trades, and if the team has to take back lesser players and bad contracts, especially ones that last for a few years, then I would just let them go.


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