Mike Pence FLIPS On Trump During Campaign Tour

Mike Pence is changing his tune when it comes to Donald Trump.

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39 thoughts on “Mike Pence FLIPS On Trump During Campaign Tour”

  1. Pence may be a religious 'man', but he is not a spiritual man. Doing the Right thing, not the Easy thing is what makes your character. Guess he wanted to stay in the limelight – at the cost of his soul. He'd make a horrible president.

  2. The odds of becoming president are 1 in 300,000,000. If Pence somehow manages to make it into office as president, we seriously need to be investigating how and why this is happening. We are not electing. They are passing the torch to people who have already been there. Bush, Bush jr., Clinton, then his wife ran, Biden as VP then becomes president. Seriously. People want to know why we are not progressing. Well the people at the helm haven't changed. They are stuck in thinking and ideologies of the past. With all the options that are available are we truly selecting the best and brightest?

  3. 😂😂😂 oh please

    Mike Pence is such a weakling he will condone protect trump to his end days.
    Pence loves trump I mean really really obsessively loves trump.

    He would never ever hurt the guy he worked for that almost assassinated his wife and daughter on
    Jan 6th! NEVER!! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. The first right wing candidate that goes on offense and attacks Trump on an extreme level, like saying they will lock up Trump yada yada yada, will win the nomination.

  5. Pence helped to create the monster that is Trump, enabling him over and over again. In the debates for the 2016 election, when Tim Kaine acurately quoted Trump, Pence shook his head and claimed Trump never said those things. He lied, from the start he surrendered the values he claims to adhere to. Yes he should be credited with refusing to help overthrow the election, but he failed uncountable times before that and he needs to take responsibility for that too.

  6. The insanity of anyone to confuse political maneuvering with religious conviction is baffling to me. There is absolutely nothing "Christ like" about a politician who tries to win favor by manipulation or deception. People need to take stock of themselves and understand that at the end of the day, we get what we pay for and ultimately we share responsibility for the conduct of those we put in office.

  7. I've said this before, I could live with Pence as the nation's leader – based upon his courage to stand up for the constitution. I don't like his political leanings, I don't like his religious leanings, I don't like him in general – but I sure do respect him. And could I trust him to support all Americans – Maybe I could. I hope he isn't nominated but if he is – it's not going to be the WORST choice.

  8. Pence reminds me of the Monty Python sketch about the gangsters who'd come round to extort.
    <<Nothing Dinsdale wouldn't do for you. I'd go round to his house every week and ask him to screw my head to a coffee table, and he'd always oblige.>>

  9. Mike Pince did a great job choosing the constitution. The oath that V.P and the President to protect the constitution of the United States and break the oath X- president Trump to attack the capital should be in prison for ever. Mike Pince was protecting the constitution . He was following the oath. Trump is a criminal dictator traitor and a coward. I'm done. It doesn't matter if you vote for him or not he will still be in prison.

  10. Mr. Mike pence
    You got to talk ugly and get ugly
    If you going to even have a shot as being the president of the United States of America
    You got the stand up and speak up and talk up like Chris Christie is doing
    He speaking to America with the revenge to shine the light on those who have tried and are still trying to overthrow our government


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