Mike Florio on the Dan Patrick Show Full Interview | 09/30/22


29 thoughts on “Mike Florio on the Dan Patrick Show Full Interview | 09/30/22”

  1. The game we call football ("American football," that is, to distinguish from the game the rest of the world calls football that we call soccer) is inherently unsafe and cannot be made safe and still be the same game. It's just an inconvenient fact hiding in plain sight. So much dishonesty in the game. "Football is safe if we make enough rule changes." "College players actually are student athletes." Yada yada. Time for some honesty in sports reporting, but we don't get it — with occasional exceptions such as Mike Florio. Mothers, don't let your sons play football.

  2. I still don't understand why the media has to act like the conscience of the NFL.

    These athletes know what they are in for, injures are GOING to happen.

    How about coming up with an interesting story and not drama?

  3. Still haven't heard anyone confirm that Tua actually had a concussion Sunday. Last nights head meeting turf certainly was enough to cause the injury. Perhaps the Doctors were guilty of something Sunday, but perhaps they were not. If you have ever had a real back spasm, it can look very much like what happened to Tua on Sunday.

  4. Tua's injury last night as he laid there brought back the memory of Darryl Stingley of the Patriots. Something must be done to prevent such things from happening (but that has been said forever with nothing being done). Time to wake up Mr. Goddell.

  5. Concussion, neck injury or whatever. When you see a player get up, stagger, and fall SOMETHING is wrong. He never should have been allowed back in the game Sunday and he for damn sure shouldn't have been playing last night.

  6. It's a dangerous sport. No one is making the players play. They're making millions doing so, and they wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Make it as safe as possible where possible, but everyone must accept the fact that these athletes are willing participants.

  7. Plot twist, Florio got cut from the JV squad and has been trying to get rid of football ever since.

    He’s serious talking about how he “could have” died. Yeah, but he didn’t. Neither has any other player in as long as I know of.

  8. Can someone please ask the Union leadership if they ever considered hiring and and having the independent nuro consultant work work for the UNION not the NFL since the union is in the business of protecting its players.

  9. If both doctors agreed with the same diagnosis, please provide the findings in which they both agreed on from that Sunday game . Please provide the public that support your media outlets in the sport of football. I'm hoping that you will provide the truth and follow the ethics of journalism.

  10. Please talk about how the NFL had double standards of how they paid out players for the CTE for Black players versus White players. Also how they came up with the standard of measurement of Black players intelligence in terms of their brain was different from their counterparts of White players. Also speak about how racism was used in defining the policy.

  11. The NFL has wanted more games for years to cash in on profits. Did they even consider the brutality of the game was going to cause elite players to get serious injuries along the way? When the Super Bowl/Playoffs come how many teams best players will be playing?


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