'Migrants treated BETTER than Britain's poorest' | Nana FUMES at 'white, middle-class' troublemakers

‘The migrants are getting better treatment than many people in poverty in this country’

Nana Akua: ‘A bunch of mostly-white, middle-class individuals tried to hold up a coach bound for the Bobby Stockholm.’

#gbnews #migrantcrisis #channelmigrants

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43 thoughts on “'Migrants treated BETTER than Britain's poorest' | Nana FUMES at 'white, middle-class' troublemakers”

  1. May i ask where did your roots come from?? Am sure not from Wales?? Stop the criticism with your British accent!! Your ancestors probably spoke swaheely!! You got some nerve lady❓️
    Your not ROYALTY💒

  2. Migrants aren't just treated better than our own poor, they are also being treat better than most average working class brits aswell. I despise labour and the torys. They give everything to the illegals and they treat us brits like used rags.

  3. British people used to move to India to expand their possibilities, that's what Rwanda looks like to me right now if my homeland was no good! and I was dumped in Rwanda with a little bit of help from the United Kingdom I would soon do well ,is there fixation on the United Kingdom an invasion? or is your Social Services just so sweet.- one of the ways I gauge a country is street view the streets in Rwanda are not full of rubbish

  4. Listen up everbody …there is no Ukraine war!! Its part 2 of the biggest scam ever to befall the human race …ALL THE MONEY BEING ANNOUNCED FOR "UKRAINE" IS BEING USED TO PAY FOR RUBBER BOATS TRAINERS TAKEAWAYS AND HOTELS ..OBAMAS NAME IS ALL OVER IT

  5. We have the capacity to feed everyone, house all, give our people better healthcare,pensions, no child neglect. We don't hav th will to challenge the rich, tax them their profits, confiscating their land,get the likes of Boots,Amazon,Starbucks, Cadburys to pay tax, stop bankers bonuses as just the start

  6. The adage is. Charity begins at home. There are still people on the bread line, & homeless people still living under bridges etc. Yet we throw away money on follies. Giving millions to the French to stop immigration, yet immigration figures to the UK have increased. Rwanda is a costly affair which is just a stop gap really. But at least it has had the effect of some immigrants going to other countries. Which has then highlighted the fact that nobody wants the immigrants. It´s just everyone is used to dumping them all on Britain. As for the protesters, it´s the usual suspects, who, I´m sure, are all the same people on all marches. Have no real clue as to why they are there, not working, & entitled.

  7. Illegal migrants have to be treated well as there are many organisations watching that good treatment is given. The poor in our country (all ethnicity) are just left to rot. Just the charities try to help them. Disgusting! Our own people (all ethnicities) should come first. Illegal immigrants are, in the main, criminal economic migrants. Our own poor are not criminals, just unfortunate.

  8. Got it 100% right NANA………GOD.MOST homeless and othes here would JUMP to get on that "BIBI" barge/boat……………..FREE accommodation………computers provided FREE.and other things………..what are the "locals" getting???????????????????????????…let these do-gooders have them living in their homes etc………I<D bet they,d SCREAM at that one etc……………hypercrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. All sunak needs to do is stop the boats at sea at the border between us and France ! turn them around and they will stop coming ! at present France does not have a problem allowing them to get in their dinghies and head towards the UK ! enough is enough we need to look after our own ,

  10. Something is NOT ok 😕 with this Broadcast lady. Her mental health may be ad risk atm. She does NOT look Camera friendly at all. I pray 🙏 her mental is Best and shes loved ❤…

  11. Ok here’s my view on the Ireland situation. Have it escalate to the EU write it as a generic agreement that if know a failed asylum seeker may be returned to their previous country. Put it down to the Ireland situation and use that then to send new migrants back to France (given that this was an agreement with the EU not Ireland)


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