Might Morphin Power Rangers The Movie (1995) – Fix It! Podcast w/ Adam and Jay

Adam and Jay react, review, riff, and rewrite the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie from 1995. With the 30th anniversary movie hitting Netflix it’s time to find out how much Adam loves PR.

Audio Version of this Podcast-
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fix-it-with-adam-and-jay/id1634099496
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3z6aGRYdUL9fhfd5NlBZDz?si=fBBmCKN9Rp6F_v6UeUWohg

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Adam’s YT Page w/ stand up, sketches, and other projects: https://www.youtube.com/user/adamlash

Jay’s YT page w/ stand up: https://bit.ly/2tahmia


20 thoughts on “Might Morphin Power Rangers The Movie (1995) – Fix It! Podcast w/ Adam and Jay”

  1. LOL I love how y'all mentioned Billy "looking good" in this movie. In real life, his actor David Yost was a trained gymnast, so he was a pretty solidly built athlete. It's just that in the show, he had to play the stereotypical nerd who's not in fighting shape whatsoever, so in the first season he was constantly wearing overalls and oversized shirts. At some point, he kinda just was like: Look, I get I'm supposed to be the nerd; but let me show off what I can do. So as the show went on, and by the time the movie dropped, they had Billy dress more casual, and let the character showcase the actor's real-life physical talents. While still very much the nerd & tech genius of the group, he "matured" to be & look more capable.

  2. Oh yeah, this is the one. There are some movies that feel untouchable with their nostalgia, but sometimes making fanfiction about a beloved piece can only improve it.

  3. The thing I love most about both of these fixes (as good as they are individually), Like the Megazords, they really work best when combined. I would love to see a version of the power rangers movie that starts like Jays where the ranger’s morphers start to malfunction due to a combination of them needing to rest/recharge (since they are millions of years old) as well as the team needing to heal from their own self doubt and personal demons. I would have Iven be introduced like Adam kept in his…But I would have it revealed that he is Zordon’s long undead brother who was ressurected/warped by Rita, and worked with her when she was once the green ranger (which is why she had the coin to give to Tommy in the first place). This would lead to Iven being the evil opposite of Zordon, with Zed, Rita, Goldar, and a Super Putty being his evil rangers (Zordon & Battle Mode Alpha would also get to fight them while the main rangers are training on the other world, getting their new power coins—also showing that the moment they leave Rita is spying, and smart enough to attack while the cats away). I love the idea of incorporating the Grace from the 1969 Rangers in the mentor role. I like the use of classic monsters as the evil ranger’s gimics. And at the end of the movie, I would have it shown that the good rangers and Zordon have all the monster ranger coins/Zords to be given to new rangers down the line (in a show spinoff). Because if you show me that Tommy can start as a villain and have a killer redemption arc, and than you give me monster morphers that were made by the villains, than we are definitely gonna give those to a team of the power rangers version of the X-Force/justice league dark (which, I already have a pitch for the cast of characters for that team, lol).
    Rita would be Poison Green, Zed would be “Black Ruby”-Blood Red, Goldar Gold (of course), and Super Putty Grey/Silver
    Zordon would have been the OG Red ranger, but in his contingency form he would be using the Orange Power Coin (which used to be Iven’s coin before he was corrupted) We also keep the white tiger zord because it does make more sense.
    Iven will be the senior villain of the film, and It will also be revealed in the end credits scene that the author of the necromancy book that rita used on iven was Dark Spector.
    In this version, we save the 10 Megazord fusion for the sequel, where they destroy Dark Spector to the tune of a metal Latin chorus. I’m not sure what the 3rd movies antagonist would be…I’m leaning towards lord drakkon, but it could also be an Aquatarian war lord who is trying to wake Cthulhu from the depths of earths oceans with Drakkon being saved for the 4th film.

  4. If this is one of the very first banked episodes, if not THE first (and I'm only assuming because it took a hot second to say 'vlistener', ya kno?) then Brian's first intro is absolutely fantastic 😂

  5. Jays fix is the fan film fix you get when a studio does a movie and NO WAY follows the lore or the original story and the fan film is on YouTube and follows the story and has the heart too and is WAY better

  6. Huge power ranger fan. Hope you guys are going to react to once and always!!

    Adam!! I love the comics so much they have taken the show and given it such depth and character development and the art works great. Have you read the power rangers TMNT crossover comic? It’s great.

    Where did Jay get his yellow ranger and blue ranger caps from? I can’t find them anywhere?

    I wish someone would take the end fight of this movie and redo the CGI to modern stuff would make that ending soooo good. Someone must be able to do it.

    Love you 2. I do a reaction channel as well called legends of podcasting. It’s great fun.

  7. Watched this in the theater, thought it was great at the time. Watched it again for y'alls fixes and lol, the dunks on the CGI were 1000% legit.

    I waited so long for this episode! Y'all teased it wayyyyyy back! Loved both the fixes

    RIP JDF💚


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