Midnight Ride: Seven Seraphim of the Apocalypse

Join us tonight on the Midnight Ride (Live Every Saturday Night: 11 EST, 10 CST, 9 MST, 8 PST) w/ Jon Pounders and David …


45 thoughts on “Midnight Ride: Seven Seraphim of the Apocalypse”

  1. I love you both for continuing to reveal history and research in truth with Scripture.almost discouraged me from loving Rainbows symbolic of God Keeping His promises.But again the enemy tries to steal and ruin everything God meant for good.

  2. Is this a replay of a video NYSTV did from a few yrs ago? I'm asking because I know I've heard David speak on this ( maybe on FOJC Radio) back somewhere between 2016 & 2019. No complaint but an observation. I recall those pics from the books he keeps showing. If you think about it the info on Basilisk MUST be true as I saw online a chart from Wikipedia showing the 72 devil's of Hell from a grimore. If I am not mistaken there is one that looks exactly like what David described as Basilisk a.k.a. Cockatrice. In The Bible it has SEVERAL scriptures of fiery flying SERPENTS, dragons, adders ( i.e. Psalms 91) so it can't be myths or metaphors. They ARE REAL & exist as spirits or something of Satan's arsenal to be unleashed vs God's righteous creation/man. I too have always heard in videos those who were crazy enough to ingest DMT or the ayahausca that they ALWAYS had terrible encounters with that entity once they left their bodies & entered the 2nd heavens in their domain. Those entities are nasty & have done horrible things to those who saw them. I guess a "reptililian" is nothing new then is it? I have often wondered if a SNAKE is the same thing as a SERPENT. Makes the scriptures in Genesis, Matthew, Luke, etc that are specific to spiritual warfare are spot on. Great show gentlemen.

  3. The Rainbow Serpent (Serpant) dreaming in Aboriginal society represents one of the great and powerful forces of nature and spirit. Connected to water, the Rainbow Serpent is the great life giver, and protector of water, which is his spiritual home.

    Rainbow Serpent – Spirit of the Waterholes

    For Aboriginal people of the desert, the Rainbow Serpent lives in the waterholes of their country, and travels between them, either under the ground or in the storm clouds when a rain storm is moving. His presence brings on the rains and if he is offended he can prevent the rains and cause drought or inundations that cause people to perish.

    Rainbow Serpent Rituals

    People pay great respect to the Rainbow Serpent, especially as they approach a waterhole. They will sing out the Spirit from distance away, telling that they are coming to the waterhole, telling what their intentions are. They want to re-assure the Rainbow Serpent that their purpose is a good one, that they recognise his power, and that they intend to bring no harm or ill doing. By singing out to him, the Rainbow Serpent can hear that they have knowledge of the place and the language of that place, so that the people are recognised as being from that place.
    While talking to the Rainbow Serpent, the people will take a handful of earth and rub it onto their bodies, so that the he can smell them. Finally when they followed all the necessary rituals, they can approach the waterhole to drink.

    Rainbow Serpent Powers

    People believe that the power of the Rainbow Serpent is so great that he can instantly whip up a storm, high winds and driving rain, and that he quickly drown anyone who does not know how to approach him properly. As a protector of water, the Rainbow Serpent also controls water, so he has the power over life and death in the desert.
    In Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory the Rainbow Serpent is associated with rituals of abundance and propagation in the natural world, and of fertility and well-being in human society. It has the power over life and death, bringing conception spirits to the water holes, but also punishing those who break traditional laws.

    Water and Renewal

    Known as Ngalyod in the Kuninjku language of Arnhem Land, the Rainbow Serpent is linked to water sources around creeks and rivers, and is responsible for the production of water plants – waterlilies, vines and palms, that grow near water. The Rainbow Snake is held in respect because of the ability to renew life by shedding the skin and emerging anew. Aboriginal myths about the rainbow serpent often describe a fearful creature that swallows humans only to regurgitate them, transformed by her blood.

    White Ochre

    White ochre is often used by artists to create the brilliant white paint for bark paintings, body decoration and rock art, that show the image of the Rainbow Serpent.

  4. Could you possibly unpack the idea of Satan being cast out in Revelation 12? I'm specifically interested in knowing how Satan will no longer accuse us. It seems logical that he will continue to accuse, once cast into the earth.

  5. The serpent in many colors brought to mind the Coat of Many Colors Joseph was given by his father. His coat out shined, out did the serpents colors. His coat was a shield and a sign to the colored serpents that they could not touch him. even though his brothers betrayed him, God had a much greater plan for Joseph as we see in scripture.

  6. Hello from Kentucky, Looking forward to when you guys hold pass over again. I will be there with my horn shofar. God-bless you and your family for your faithfulness and building the body of Christ.

  7. Wa pethen (6620 Strongs) wa tannin (8577 Strongs), Cobra [or python] and sea monster [dragon] most likely. The monster names are personal preferences for Catholic tranlators, and King James text translators. The original does not say these things.
    Could still be right, but there would be more direct answers elsewhere, that corroborate what is being said.
    Now, if they were Chinese zodiac symbols they would come up n 2024 Dragon and 2025 Snake.

  8. Yet with all this truth they call the Son of God by the evil church name. Gods Son was never called jesus. Yet The ones speaking the truth has not pick up on the great lie of all…. The Son of God Said IN MY NAME the miracles you see me do you shall do greater. But his name was hidden by the Beast…. Yashua is the Son of God name. Learn it. Speak it and with the Angels fight this great battle. Learn his jewish name, his real name. not the name the great beast in Rome gave him, so no one can know the greatest secret.

  9. The rainbow represents heaven and the serpent represents the earth.
    Satan stole the rainbow like he steals everything else and uses it for his agenda as if to rub it in God's face..Hence is why the pride movement adopted it

  10. Psalm 23:4-5 is/was already upgraded by Jesus in the Lords Prayer: Lead us not into Temptations but(and) Deliver us from all Evils…Death by any means is the greatest Evilness in our Plane(t) because man is suppose not to die/grow old/sick. for God provided man with the Tree of Life for free.

  11. Have you seen Angels?..Angels are Stars, like Sun & Moon are stars or angels( regardless what astronomers say) , planets are Wandering Stars or Enoch called them Luminaries….Sun & Moon RISES always in the East(Far-East) or Far earth ..Moon travel towards south to west ward and back to the East, while Sun travel north to west ward and back to east..The Sun rays & moon rays reflected on the pacific ocean are like Flaming Swords as it Rises in the East… West & East are 2 points(marker) on a Flat earth orientation, West(where sun set) is the opposite/endpoint of East(where sun rises), while North(arrow head) & South(arrow Tail) are 2 magnetic points on a Flat earth orientation and they are opposite points.

  12. Fix your mics … davids mic is so low i have to turn the volume way way up ..then when john speaks i have to turn it down and its making my experience mediocre… its frustrating… love your work … trying to enjoy this episode 😄👍🏻🤝🏻🙏🏼

  13. and where is Heaven?..is it in the Infinite Space?..not so..Heaven or the Paradise of God(his Dwelling place) is Never located in the Infinite Space but in the East (Far East) or Far Earth(east)..In Revelation we can read: An Angel ascended in the East( not Descended) and said: Hurt not the Trees and the Sea till we seal the Servants of our God(not the 11 disciples nor the Remnants of Her Seed)..but the The Servants of God( refer to the 12 Tribes of Israel or Custodians of the 2 Tablets of Stone)…The Paradise of God is in the Far Earth or Far East where the Sun & Moon Rises.

  14. Chinese Dragons are actually Serpentine Dragons with 4 Legs.. Lucifer is an Angel that have the feature of a Serpentine Dragon or Bull(young dragon)..Angels have 4 Feature : Eagle, Man(like man or messenger angels) , Lion and Bull (not cows) but Serpentine Dragons/Leviathan…Europa(Europe) according according to legend was Riding a Bull(Serpentine Dragon a Sea Creature)..and Never a Cow, cuz it cannot swim or cross seas/oceans while Serpentine Dragon(Bull) can cross oceans…so where did Europa came from to settle in Europe?..from Babylon Iraq..


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