Microsoft's Message To Halo Fans

Microsoft leaves a message for Halo fans.

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0:00 Overview
0:48 Microsoft’s Message
3:19 Breakdown


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30 thoughts on “Microsoft's Message To Halo Fans”

  1. I mean… They still chose to put out an objectively unfinished game COMPARED to previous Halo games.

    So not being set up for a regular content plan, is one thing but making the decision to release an 'unfinished' Halo game (despite the lessons from H5) is another. Infinite was a classic example of an MVP (product term) on release, releasing what they thought they could get away with compared to recent games.

  2. I think what they have been doing with halo Infinite so far is good enough to win me over ,
    but the general hyppe for the game is overral done down and dead. Halo 7 will be the ultimate opportunity 343 will ever have to prove that they have learned ALL OF their lessons and mistakes.

    *heres a list of all things 343 has done right ✅️
    Wrong ❌️ with Halo Infinite AND SHOUL BE IN THE NEXT HALO GAME AT LAUNCH and the things they should add if possible ✔️ *

    True to the franchise Iconic artstyle ✅️

    An absolutely Amazingly fun to play campaing ✅️

    more biomes in open world ❌️

    more content and objective variety in said open world ❌️

    A gameplay rich multiplayer experience ✅️

    A content rich multiplayer experience ❌️

    NOT to monetize customization❌️

    Launching a fully operational forge at launch ❌️

    Fire fight at launch ❌️

    Playable elites ✔️

    Duel wielding( FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE) ✔️

    Ai in forge ✔️

    Large scale War battles ✔️

    Large scale space battles ✔️

    A clan/guild features system ✔️

    Fully functional multiplayer online experience ❌️

    AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST , with all that being metioned , NO MORE GAMES AS A SERVICE SEASONAL CONTENT RELEASE BULLSHIT….This has alredy proven tonhave doomed the franchise…❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️

  3. It's a shame Infinite will most likely not get split screen co-op campaign. That was actually the deciding factor for me to leave the game.
    I played more Halo 4 Multiplayer than Infinite in their respective release years. Why? Because the game was finished and I had reasons to keep coming back.
    Forge looks cool, but I'm burnt. This was a massive betrayal. Maybe I'll play the next Halo game, maybe.

  4. Look I feel he was straight up honest. Yes! But if he knew this did simple understanding I got this is not Halo, Halo 2 or Halo 3 but where is the Spirit? The feeling this is a franchise that that people still remember Halo for what it was what it started and created Nov 15, 2001… It's Time For Action, because the SO called Halo infinite has alot of work, and Time is really not on their side you know HaloFollower if this franchise is going to be remembered for another 20yrs? Nobody thought they would go in with that kind of aditude and treat the Franchise like just put out the game when it's not finish is shameful. I expectit from a new game but they lost my faith in the capabilities as a company with this act of should of, would of, could of.. just make it right. prove me wrong. blow the community's and the world's mind like you did in 2001.

  5. Microsoft needs less talking out of their ass and more action. They fucked up big time halo and they know it. To top it off they released winter update around modern warfare 22 and god of war ragnarok (which going to be rival goty with elden ring). What 343 do? Release a half assed game with mtx mocking fans with woke shit on social media with American politics bs.

  6. i hope microsoft learns of this bigtime so future upcoming big titles get the funds and attention it needs to release quality games
    p.s the shipping point like back in the day will come back if studios turn out quality games (not broken missing content/ barebones content etc) elden ring for example had a fantastic release and the shipping point was the big thing ^^ (if i understand him well enough thats how i picked it up anyway ^^ )

  7. Why would you ship a game of this scale with the mentality of "we know it's in a bad state right now, but we'll fix it later"

    Clearly they didn't fix it "later". You can't predict the future, you don't know what's gonna happen, like the head of the company leaving, or a war breaking out in the world, or lead developers leaving. There are so many things that could go wrong.

    Why not wait and keep developing the game until it's capable of standing on its own two feet, so that in case of post launch content production being slow for all the different reasons that could possibly cause it, the game can still at least survive, and hopefully thrive (and a good chance of it thriving too might I add, it has in the past thanks to community/social features and forge).

  8. Hey 343, fix the Headmaster achievement, among other things. Using mission replay, I played the entire campaign on Legendary with Skulls On. And after 6 hours of hell, with the scorpion gun. Nothing happened, not rare diamond sound of unlocking the achievement nothing. Fix it

  9. I just keep asking myself the question, what if, 21 years ago, Bungie had told Microsoft that couch co op was too much work to finish and that CE was only going to release with 1 game mode and 2 maps…

  10. About your first line. This is not the first time they have used this "we fucked up, you deserve better. We'll be better" rhetoric. Far from the first time. Every time they address their screw ups they say they'll do better then go radio silent and don't do shit.

  11. I think the Microsoft hiring freeze is a piss poor excuse considering the circumstances. Yeah let's let our key franchise that put us in the gaming space toil in development and do fuck all about it.

    They could have still put the resources in and it would have paid off tenfold when the game launched.


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