Michael Mosley's tragic fear of 'dying early' after his own dad 'didn't see grandkids grow up'

Dr Michael Mosley previously revealed he did not want to “die early” like his dad before his tragic death aged 67.

The TV doctor was found dead on a Greek island last week after going for a walk alone. He was discovered four days later in a rocky area near Agia Marina beach on Sunday.

The island had been experiencing a blistering Mediterranean heatwave.

In one of his final interviews before his tragic death, Dr Mosley shared how his drive to maintain his health had stemmed from his own father’s death, who lived to 74.

Read more: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/michael-mosleys-tragic-fear-dying-33002865

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31 thoughts on “Michael Mosley's tragic fear of 'dying early' after his own dad 'didn't see grandkids grow up'”

  1. No one mentions that in an interview 8 years ago Moseley revealed that he had had a blocked coronary artery. No real detail other than that but he said his Dad died aged 72 (not 74) of heart failure and Moseley worried that he would go the same way. Seems to indicate that his heat exhaustion may have caused a heart attack, but only a proper autopsy will confirm this.

  2. To me the death of this well known personality is a reminder of who really controls life and death. It's not us, scientists but God the Almighty, The Giver of life and death. We can plan and plot, but our time is given. For me is to prepare for this moment with monotheistic belief in One God and follow the example of the Prophet to achieve good end.

  3. 'Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun' goes the old Noel Coward song from the 1930s and that can be the only explanation for the bizarre decision taken by Michael Mosley to trek through that sort of heat. And not one doctor disregarding all known health advice, but two, since his wife, also a doctor, seems to have just let him go! Surely they knew about the sort of heat warnings we receive even here in UK to be careful when elderly (and he was) not to be over-strenuous. Refusal to accept that he was actually vulnerable to the weather? Who knows. We never will, nor be privy to events and conversations that took place prior to his leaving the beach. I just can't get the series of events into my head. They all took the ferry to this remote beach knowing it was going to be scorching hot and then, guess what? It was scorching hot and he decided to go, for whatever reason. If he wasn't feeling well, as was first suggested, then no way should he have been trekking in that unforgiving terrain. And it was foolish to do so in any event. Misadventure? I suppose so, but what an oddity it all is.

  4. Something isn’t right here! What was he for? Was he speaking out? Or has he done harm and this was a suicide?? Something isn’t right. Same with maxwell death! Same with all the coes suiciding/dropping out etc!! Mmmm

  5. These are the questions that niggling me:
    1) it was reported that Dr Mosley wasnt feeling well when he decided to go back from the beach. How can the peoplw with him let him walk back on his own in an unknown country?
    2) Did dr Mosley know about the correct way back.
    3) did the friends gave him the directions for going back.

  6. I wonder if the " miracle " drug that he insisted should be forced upon everybody had anything to do with his death ? He champoined it along with so many other health " professionals " and " experts " , and all honest and decent people know what the results of that have been . Just as everybody also knows that certain people and organisations are forbidfing all discussions of that topic and its aftermaths .

  7. 3) a man not feeling well, why did the others let him walk back on his own in that scorching heat?
    4) i read that they went to the beach by boat. Did the boat go all the way around the hilly areas and arrived at St Nicholas beach? If so, when confused; he must have thought that as long as he sticking to walking by the coast, he would get back. Weknow he is an extremely intelligent man and that must be his logic in taking that path.
    5) his wife knew about his diabetes and heart condition and still didnt worry about him walking back on his own in that heat? Especially when he said he wasnt feeling well.
    6) why did they assume that he would be ok?
    No one is asking these questions, i know. But we all know that other people are partly to blame for his death. It is no good people saying that he deliberately took that path as he was very adventurous or he walked to find another beach to swim.
    These are all nonsense. Others with him were supposed to be doctors yet did not use their common sense.

    If he came to the beach by walking on the correct path, he would have known to take the same path back. And boatride is very short, he must have assumed walking by coast wouldnt take long either.

    If any of you have same doubts, plse comment.

  8. I can remember when it reached 40 degrees here in the UK back in 2022. For a 67 year old man with a history of high blood pressure to decide to walk anywhere in that heat is difficult to understand.

  9. Why would anyone go to that place for a holiday?
    The beach is all rocks. The entire island looks like a quarry. No grass, plants or trees – just a burning hellscape of fiery hot rocks under a blazing sun.
    There's so many places I'd love to see in Greece…. Cannot even start to comprehend why anyone would choose a floating building site like Symi.
    Are the authorities certain it wasn't suicide? Maybe the thought of spending another 5 days there pushed him over the edge…?

  10. Aging and keeping fit and healthy is dangerous. In the real world physical stress can suddenly be immense. Best to do prescribe exercise in a gym within your limits. Use it don’t abuse it. I think what happened to Michael was unfortunate he made a wrong turn.

  11. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family.
    "I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"
    (Romans 8:38,39)

    Quoted from the Apostle Paul while awaiting certain death. Eternal life is granted to all who believe in and call on Jesus. He paid the high price (to the lord of death), the ruler of this world, for all our sins, so we too can walk free after our physical death and also be raised up after death and have eternal life.

    "Remember Him before the silver chord is severed, and the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and the wheel is broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it"
    (Ecclesiastes 12:6)

    Jesus was offered the world by satan, the accuser; provided be bowed down to him.

    The name of God the Father and Creator is YHWH, it is pronounced without using your tongue…it is literally breath…His Name is the first thing and the last thing we declare coming and leaving this world.

    God, Jesus, Holy Spirit
    1 x 1 x 1=1
    God is outside of space and time, knows the past, present and future, is ever present and eternal, His mercy has no end. You too can be a son and part of His family, that is His goal for all humans who walk this earth. Our salvation comes through what we say and what we believe.

    "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved"
    Romans 10:9-10

    Christ died and returned to life so that he might be both the Lord of both the dead and the living.
    Romans 14:9

    For we will all stand before God's judgement seat. It is written
    "As surely as I live, " says the Lord, "Every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God"

    So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
    Romans 14:10-12

    We are all mortal but can live eternal if we acknowledge our Father and Creator, who is God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. One.

    No matter what you are going through or whatever you have done God wants you to be his child. A good father always forgives his children.


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