Michael Alig & The Freudian Death Drive

The Club Kids murder sent shockwaves through the New York City club scene. Michael Alig seemed to have a propensity for shock throughout his life and his interviews that makes me wonder if Sigmund Freud would hold up this case as a quintessential example of the Death Drive.


20 thoughts on “Michael Alig & The Freudian Death Drive”

  1. I'm really looking forward to your Cluster B video. My mom is a classic case. She is a compulsive liar and stole money from me when I was a teenager. She also tried to steal money from my brother. Unfortunately I eventually had to cut off contact with her.

  2. I saw the movie Party Monsters and it was bizarre and disturbing. I didn't know the backstory until now. The death drive theory is interesting and I'm intrigued how it reconciles with our survival instinct. Are we all on a spectrum for both of these?

  3. Your, like, one sentence description of how each of the Cluster B disorders functions and how they differ is the best I've ever heard it. Please do get to videos just on this topic! 👏

  4. you are my favourite channel. I am so grateful for your sharing of knowledge. The explanations incl the stepping into abyss and coming back consolidated with a transformation is almost word for word, what my friends who have done it, have reported to me. I didn't believe them but I believe you cos of the letters after your name LOL. Maybe my friends aint so dumb after all. Good for them.

  5. Could you do a "day in the life"/ "week in the life" of you. How are you so knowledgable? How many books do you read? Do you watch tv or drink or smoke?. How do you spend your time? You must be so organised! It must be amazing to have something you're so passionate about as your career #inspiration


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