Metro police plead to drivers after 35th Las Vegas Valley traffic death of 2024

Las Vegas police say at least 35 people have been killed in crashes in their jurisdiction so far this year, and it’s only March 4.

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21 thoughts on “Metro police plead to drivers after 35th Las Vegas Valley traffic death of 2024”

  1. From the comments it seems that local law enforcement needs to step up their game ON THE STREETS and not just antisocial media! People drive like idiots because they believe they can get away with it. CHANGE THAT BELIEF.

  2. I have never seen metro pull over street racers. I see them pull over everyday mom and pop in minivans. I saw 3 motorcycle cops pull over 3 vehicles within a quarter mile between the furthest cops. None of the drivers was doing anything egregious. If you live here, you kniw how bad the fast n furious wannabe retards are

  3. I remember back in the day my insurance was about 100 bucks a month now it’s over 200 you have to get everything bc no one has insurance or a drivers license.

  4. Nevadans don't want to make the Casino magnates and other corporations pay their fare share of taxes. Hence the police, courts, and jails are completely inadequate. There simply is not the money for enforcement infrastructure.
    I grew up in a state with higher taxes, and you could never get away with driving without license plates in that state. You would not last 24 hours before you woud end up in jail and lose your car.
    They even have special dedicated – and heavily manned – police force JUST FOR DRIVING ENFORCEMENT ("registry police").
    But here in Vegas, the police completely ignore driving violations. No license plate? We don't care. No registration tag, no insurance? We don't care. Windows completely blacked out? We don't care.
    So until you cheapos are WILLING TO PAY TAXES to enforce the laws, shut up and stop whining. You did this to yourselves.


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