Metal Gear Decoded – Part 1 – The Return to Camp Omega

FOXALIVE playlist:

Is Metal Gear Solid V complete? My 5-video series regarding the subject of MGSV uncovers more about the symbolism and hidden details of Metal Gear than has ever been done before.

Written, shot, and edited by Ross Weaver


11 thoughts on “Metal Gear Decoded – Part 1 – The Return to Camp Omega”

  1. I love it. I see the game as a very purposeful 'phantom' pain. The plot ends, leaving you with a deep, longing ache. Quiet leaves, leaving you with a feeling of something missing, etc.

  2. I thought school face was either gene or python python said he was ciphers cure to snake and just for a refresher python is just like Victor Fries also in the portable Ops game peace and have a great day

  3. On a serious note, I didn't think I'd be able to understand this video since I never played V but wow, great editing & storytelling, Ross❗

    I'm legit mind blown at how you discovered all of this despite you sharing some of the theory with me personally 🙏🏻

    Looking forward to Part II✌️


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