Messing Around with Your Decks in Historic, Explorer and Standard

Viewers are always sending me decks, so let’s give some a try!

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22 thoughts on “Messing Around with Your Decks in Historic, Explorer and Standard”

  1. 19:42
    Haha this is the paradox of Non-rotating/eternal formats. Players want both long term viability of a deck they inest in with little to no reinvestment for competitive viability but they also don't want a stale lethargic format.

  2. I think that signature spells deck looks hilarious, i'd watch it if you played it. There are a difference between the pushed alchemy cards like Crucias/Calim, and stupid ones like Signature Spells, that card is just kinda jank to begin with

  3. I've been jamming the Ayula historic brawl deck. It's so fun. Plus we got a couple more bears even though they're very expensive to cast in Surrak and Goreclaw and the copper bearhino

  4. for me, you can play alchemy all you want. i watch becasue you're fun to watch and i enjoy your personality. while i don't particularly enjoy alchemy i still engage in it through events (like when they do artisan queues or gladiator).

    also, re fallout: LOVE new vegas, that's my favourite single player game i think. i hope they make some references to it but i have a feeling it will just be fallout 4+lore.

  5. A bigger reason that Star Wars won't go to MTG any time soon would be Lorcana rather than the licensing fee. Especially considering Hasbro already has the license to make Star Wars toys.

  6. I had a buddy who closed his LGS because of how scummy wotc was with the 30th anniversary edition. Also despite being a successful shoo with events and in store play, he was hardly making any money with how products are priced, and with ever increasing 'premium' sets that alienate players he was just done. So hearing the commander masters being even worse than what I imagine 30th edition was… It's just incredibly disheartening

  7. If you wanna play alchemy, go for it. Anyone who plays historic already has to deal with them, so even if you disagree with most of them (why oh why are some of them so pushed) they still have a place for a digital format.

    I will have to remember to upload my Boros Legends Pile for historic at some point- Lord of the Rings small legendaries now let me run Blackblade reforged and not feel bad about it.

  8. Re: Game of Thrones: the showrunners had the rights to the series and wanted to jump ship on the show once their contracted episodes were up. HBO knew the pacing was bad and were trying to get them to slow it down but they had already made plans to go produce Star Wars shows for Disney.


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