Please sign Lady Colin Campbell’s Petition inviting Prince Harry to ask The Queen to put his titles & royal status into abeyance.

🇬🇧 Book order

In the three hundred and forty first episode Lady Colin Campbell opens congratulates Liz Truss on becoming the latest Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and warns against the danger of Parliamentary coups against democratically elected Prime Ministers; addresses Meghan Markle’s extraordinarily egotistical and self-serving conduct as she misuses being a keyote speaker at the OneYoungWorld opening ceremony in Manchester to puff herself; dissects the reality of her objectives and her links to that organisation, which despite charitable status is in fact a political movement; Meghan’s private pride in being acknowledged as a diva; the belief that she is deranged; how and why she darkens her complexion; why it would be an error to drop the pose of being a humanitarian and be frankly and honestly as commercial as she really is; using Archie as a lens through which she can pose; how her agenda is regarded in some quartres as ominous; whether she is responsible for the cancelling of Allison P Davis and why it is in the interests of the American People that New York Magazine be held accountable for any violation of the rights of that journalist under the First Amendment; OneYoung World’s links to Amber Heard; how the naivete and ignorance of supposedly well placed people allows opportunists to infiltrate their organisations; the observation that Meghan is the worst thing to happen to the British Monarchy since Oliver Cromwell, who was responsible for the execution of King Charles I; the parallels between his posturing, beliefs and conduct; whether there are similarities with another well known dictator: what they are; and whether it is possible for people to intervene on The Queen’s behalf and shut down treatment of her which they find unacceptable.




Managed by Misha Ziadie-Campbell

©Copyright reserved Lady Colin Campbell



  1. Dear Lady C, I was typing a respectful comment about Her Majesty's passing (from a BBC source) but was blocked. You warned us about the Queen's health weeks ago and thank you as always. I desperately hoped that Harry would beg forgiveness but it now looks unlikely and his wife celebrates! SHE has been detrimental to Harry's mental health, isolating him from his family. My heart truly breaks for him 💔 He's a victim of a sceaming, vile manipulator. Poor boy 😭 Yes he's an adult but try telling that to trauma.

  2. Dear Lady C, I was in the midst of watching your video which was titled 'The Queen is Dead' which I found very odd since it hasn't been announced, when it stopped playing. Prior to that I was watching another of your videos, one due for Thursdays, which also stopped playing. I can imagine you must have removed both videos out of respect for Her Majesty and perhaps that you know more than what we the public are being told about the Queen's condition today (Thursday). Many of us from all around the world are on the edge of our seats as we fear the worst.

  3. I apologize Lady C for commenting on this video. The video I was watching on Roku Will not show up on my iPhone even though I’m subscribed to you. And it is today’s video. Anyway, you are absolutely right about things mirroring the 1930s Germany. Please check out project veritas and the secret curriculum as he is exposing all of these ultra people brainwashing our children and wanting young white boys to be “Dexter – ed” because they dare to feel they have the right to express their opinion and not agree with an ultra woke principal. This is not uncommon at all in this country. And that’s why so many home school

  4. Unfortunately, although much of US holds Meghan and Harry in distain, it seems that the media is protecting them. A Google search in the US finds only complimentary articles about Meghan… signaling that she is a darling of the liberal establishment. We're in trouble here across the pond.

  5. I hope she can rein in the use of the word I because it has the makings of being turned into a drinking game by some people and at 54 times in 7 minutes it could cause widespread liver failure!

  6. Australia is brilliant at removing PM’s that we the People voted for – down under Politics is becoming third world – a lot of Corruption & lies 🇦🇺🇦🇺😡😡🇦🇺🇦🇺

  7. Thank you for exposing MM's abuse of power. I would say MM's a dictator, look at the outcome of her dictatorship of Harry lol I am Canadian and I will boycott New York Magazine and all of it subsidiaries.

  8. How the hell is Rachel Ragland able to silence people who speak truths!!! SHE agreed to the interview SHE MUST have proof read the article before print!! Tough 💩 to Rachel it’s out there now for all to read. I back you Lady C 💯 to get the ball rolling in having this journalist reinstated 🙌🙌

  9. My view on Michael Heseltine too: a snake in the grass and so pleased he didn’t become PM. I am really glad that you reminded people of his behaviour towards Margaret Thatcher – she was a great PM and nobody can get everything right and sometimes her belief in herself meant she didn’t always listen but all in all she was a great PM. Hopefully Heseltine will stay/go abroad and stay there!

  10. I listened to the end. You are inspiring by your knowledge and speaking the truth. Harry must wake up and “try” to guide Meghan or if she will not listen then decide his path to go on for the rest of his life but we need him here in the UK: we have always loved him and would welcome him back. He will not lose his children once Meghan realises their children nwill always need him. Be brave Harry.

  11. I have to say it somewhere. Our lovely Queen has passed on and Charles talks about his beloved wife “Camilla” (☹️) and my heart breaks. What about a mention of his lovely wife, Diana, who had no-one to lean on at such an early age: she was such a great addition to the Royal Family and to the people and she gave him two lovely boys and now it seems she is being swept under the carpet. I am so hurt on her behalf. Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles are both guilty of their behaviour and the Monarchy was really knocked. “Queen Consort”, what a joke.


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