Meghan Markle’s dad slams her as ‘cruel’ for keeping grandkids away

Meghan Markle’s father says it’s “very cruel” of her and Prince Harry to have kept their children away from him, according to former BBC Royal correspondent Michael Cole.

Mr Cole said Thomas Markle made the comments “very forcefully”.

“I have to say I have to agree with him,” Mr Cole told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“He’s 79, he’s not in the best of health – he lives over the border.

“He helped her to get to get into her acting career. He was a quite distinguished and well-respected lighting engineer in television, and he was helpful to her.”


28 thoughts on “Meghan Markle’s dad slams her as ‘cruel’ for keeping grandkids away”

  1. It can only add to their lives to know their grandparents. I myself come from a divorced family, and every summer I spent it with both sides of my grandparents. The wealth of information that they shared with me of their times in life and what they did was absolutely amazing. You can’t put a price on a grandparents love.

  2. MM= Master Manipulator wait till your children grow up, and treat you the same way coz life is a boomerang 🪃 it will comeback to hit you both where it hurts the most!?
    Their children are still too young they will ask them so many questions coz that’s what kids do, and find out that their grandfather is a King 👑 and to hear what a great man their grandfather Thomas was
    I have stopped watching any videos about these two for almost 5 months now coz it was making me so sad 😞 and mad 😡 at the same time it gets to me I get very emotional seeing her father coz I lost my father when I was 12 years old I wish I could have 12 seconds with him he was the best father ever.!
    Her heart is made of stone that’s the narcissist in her she feels no love no emotions no sympathy whatsoever she’s manipulative selfish,greedy,jealous,basically all of the seven deadly sins that’s who she is, and Harry wake up for goodness sake’s just like Paul Buttler said he’s mesmerised, and afraid of loosing her and if that’s case which I believe it to be true, and she knows that?

  3. They sent help to Doria to deal with the media she was thrown into but none fir her family .maybe this wouldnt have happened if they had done the same for them .they didn't ask for the media attention ..

  4. Let Tom Markle know that the chances these children are hers, is unlikely. They are accordingly not
    his grandchildren.
    They had a surrogate mother with the surrogate’s eggs, and used Harry’s sperm. Meghan has told that she married hysterectomy in her teens for a critical reason. She had a quick marriage with a Jewish man after Northwestern. That was annulled. I suspect she said she was pregnant, and maybe she was. But could have been complications snd cause inability to bear children supposedly infertile… no eggs, mu uterus or Fallopian tubes. No idea if that is true. But I saw her wear the baby bump when she was first pregnant. Then they left for Australia after Eugenie’s wedding. I saw the bump go up and go down. I also saw the bump move around too much. One time it was on her thigh. I knew the thing was fake. I assume it’s the same with Lilibet. Supposed to say Lily. If Thomas Markle knew this story he could perhaps not feel so bereft. She is a piece of work. I think she’s mentally ill. The late Queen had a “drinks” party at Balmoral about month before she died. She said to some friends…”she is evil.” The Queen had a good sense of character in someone. Meghan was bad news from the start. She is not the Meghan he knew, and those kids don’t have a trace of Markle blood in them. Not a drop.

  5. If she'd been raised by her mum would have been a whole different outcome for this woman. The man who dedicated his time, and money to give the best schooling, trips, all her needs which would have been high end, introductions to Hollywood leaving himself apparently close to broke………now he's not good enough for her? Actually both Harry and Meghan are teaching their children how to treat them when they're old and sick.

  6. She is cruel, She set her dad up because she didn't want him at the wedding, exposing her lies.
    I hope they can prove before Thomas Marco dies that the children don't exist or that the kids live with the surrogate mothers.
    I feel he should sue to see the children.

  7. I guess this is everybody else's problem! It is so not everybody else's problem and it damn sure isn't the UK or anybody else's problem to be reporting on this is a family matter why aren't they sitting there telling William and Kate's business and Camilla and Chucky's business or Randy Andy's business😮😮😮😮 but I bet ain't nobody asking themselves that😂😂 oh and to add the way Thomas Markle has spoke about his daughter you wouldn't see my kids either go kick the bucket you old crusty butthole and you're still not going to see your grandkids keep running your mouth you'll never see them learn how to shut up and do what the royal family does don't complain don't explain and you wonder why they came over here and gave such an explosive interview and why she cut her dad off! It was their truth and how she felt while she was over there and do you see it lightning up at all?! The alternerd can't even let up off of her for one day it's like she has an issue with her for burning Piers Morgan who was married at the time might I add but didn't nobody talk any snap to him for his crap until his co-host broke it down for him and he walked right off of good-morning-britain after that so that should tell you who was in the wrong and who wasn't!😂😂😂😂

  8. It is not cruel it's none of your goddamn business why don't people stay out of this?! I don't see you all up in the Queen's business I don't see you in King Tampax's business…. but you can sit here and talk about these two till your f**** blue in the face utterly disgusting and nobody cares he's getting exactly what he f**** deserves if you talked about me and my husband and you sat there and talked all this smack along with my sister and people laughing on content creators channels yeah you would never f**** see my kids again go kick the bucket and cry that's exactly how I would feel about the situation if it were me and my father you don't sit there and openly talk smack and then sit there and beg to see your grandchildren after all the crap that you spewed, no no it don't work like that Thomas you're not going to get any clout off of your daughter other than the clout you're getting by putting all this smack out there that's why you're not seeing your grandchildren Thomas!😮😮😮😂😂😂 you can get that over here in the us too but not the way he's been talking smack on her all she would have to do is show the judge that and the judge would say okay now I see why you don't want your kids around him and he wouldn't get any grandparents rights over here in the US if they did that s*** over in the UK after seeing a parent talk smack about their own kid like that then the UK's a messed up place to be because no judge over here in the US would give him any grandparents rights other than a supervised visitation for an hour! And something tells me mr. Markell wouldn't make it there he would say he was too sick and want them to schedule around his schedule yeah it don't work that way either cuz I could tell he's a pig-headed selfish man like that that would do something like that yeah it don't work that way over here you can get grandparents visitations but they pull all the receipts and all the interviews he and her sister has done no judge is going to Grant him visitation rights!😂😂😂😂 so take that your commentators

  9. This individual hasn't a clue about children. I have never seen her holding a child correctly or with any show of love! Prince Harry, for all his faults, loves kids and knows how to be around them. IF they do have 2 little ones, he will be the best parent!


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