Mega Trenches | Leaks | Hotline Severed

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28 thoughts on “Mega Trenches | Leaks | Hotline Severed”

  1. Dex, got news for you brother, the Russians are within 30-miles of our shores trolling. We’ve got Q4 and Q9 drones surveilling as well as P3s and P8s trying to keep track of them. They’ve been there for months.

  2. πŸŒ• leaks have always been happening continuing thing. So this is a wag the Dog. They need to make the news, it’s just fill …they need to control this reality which is too cause controversy.. keep in mind they do the type of things to cause you to think in taailored way.

  3. As far as the weather. Tri-Lateral Commission for the prevention of weather modification proliferation treaty against weather modifying weapons. 1982 . Look who sits on the Tri-Lateral Commission ?

  4. Certainly sounds like basement Joe has turned the country over to the demonic Obummer who is a war monger and using the United States as the power that he needed. Obama needs to be taken down and disposed of permanently….Gitmo would be nice! But basement Joe needs to go as well, because without leadership, the U.S. could be overrun very very soon. We already had a taste of that with the open border policy….but it's gonna get a whole lot worst!

  5. As corrupt as our government is at the moment,, we still have the best tech and most effective means. Not worried. I have had positions in the government spectrum. We are completely aware of EVERYTHING.

  6. Elon is part of the evil cabal.They don't let you become successful like he is without a blood oath .,and they are all Sabbatean Frankists. It is all deception and lies, so the world who are taking in the propaganda from T.V. etc. will be controlled and exterminated more easily.


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