Mega Fauna, Giants, and the Pre-Cataclysm Pyramid Society – Autodidactic Alchemist

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36 thoughts on “Mega Fauna, Giants, and the Pre-Cataclysm Pyramid Society – Autodidactic Alchemist”

  1. What if we find out that the original slave owners were pharaohs? Since it's written in the bible? And what if the pharaoh's knew all about controlling human beings? Who's to say? As a 72-year-old man I'm seeing history changing in front of my eyes with so many people looking for the truth? And then I see a group of people now coming up who are definitely working for what we call the other side? The other side meaning the secrets? These folks are coming up with a lot of information too they're digging more little rabbit holes for us? There's a special reason why YouTube turned into their tube? It's a generational plan? It means it continues on after you guys are dead? By the way friends what is a worshipful master? What is a rotary club? What is the Chamber of commerce? What is a masonic temple? Why are all their secrets? Why are the men in blue the same throughout the whole world? Are they really keeping the secret safe from the human beings? Just like in prison we have the prisoners guarding the prisoners? Anyway I'll get going here just be careful everybody wants to answer these questions that you guys are raising? The secret is? What's with all the secrecy who benefits are you one of the people who've never worked a day in your life? And know that before Hell Freezes Over these little tiny human beings will not knock us off our wall? You know Humpty dumpty? Please Campbell explain us Humpty Dumpty he sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the king's horses and All the King's Men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together? Again and again and again? Tread lightly friends there's millions and millions and millions of fake Fiat money that's trying to stop you guys from telling the truth? And you're not going to know to you're ready to die sad thing take it from 70 year old man who realize that he'd been lied to since the day he was born along with his parents and their parents and a great great great grandparents? What is a pharaoh? Why does a pharaohs have a home Basin Switzerland and why is the whole world run out of switzerland? And why are the mercenaries from Switzerland guarding the pope with the Red Cross on his gowns? Hey guys thanks for all your investigations you know there's no difference from the time of Jesus Christ and now? I just told you the secret of the world we're all survivors here? And since Jesus was from the house of King david? Jesus had a problem babbling about secret stuff that a lot of people weren't supposed to know about? By the way friends do any of you know why Hitler collected all the church bells during World War ii? Do you think it had to do anything with vibrations? Have any of you heard that Cathedrals were actually great frequency healing centers? What if you really went into one of those big Cathedrals and felt fantastic in the old world? So so many pairs of socks to darn? I was just checking on our official intelligence that is getting really good following my?? Have you guys all questioned mark question mark? Got to run see don't be too hard on your parents and the other folks they've built the life on the lies they don't want it taken down it's pretty hurtful? There's one thing I knew I was not going to climb onto the cross this time? How about you guys?

  2. In Australia on a river bank, a site has been excavated which, as they dug down deeper and deeper, they discovered three distinct civilisations. The oldest were giants. The clubs and other artefacts were so big that todays man can barely move them, certainly cannot wield them. There was evidence of humans (the aboriginal people of the time) being eaten by these giants. The middle and younger layer of the dig was a mix of smaller giants and humans living side by side. And finally, the youngest layer of the dig showed modern aboriginal people alone. Fascinating stuff.

  3. The movie Troll on Netflix (voice over is terrible) but a giant troll made of the earth comes out of a mountain and is returned to the earth when exposed to the sun (vapor canopy collapse)

  4. Yeah there were more resets than just the flood. There was Armageddon and gog and Magog aswell. All three the same plasma fire weapon was used . The Bible calls it the glittering spear or sword . Or fire from heaven /holy fire . God uses in the flood , Jesus uses in Armageddon , God uses in gog and Magog . Glittering spear burns and petrifies

  5. Just a thought on the giants I heard recently that the the annunki gods Appeared on Earth or came to Earth and decided to use the humans as slaves too dig gold. What if they decided that the humans were too large to control So they decided to make them smaller but if they were any smaller The larger animals would just simply have them for dinner so they did a reset to make everything small are. Just a thought

  6. Hey Cambell just watched Ozgeographics latest YT video it’s a bout how a comet broke into 3 pieces 2 small pieces landed in the Pacific Ocean and the larger piece landed in the Indian Ocean which created a Tsunami 140 metres tall if not larger that smashed into Perth going all the way to the hills and past them 5000 yrs ago. It also caused it to rain deluges for an extended period of time because of the ice and gases in the comet … it coincides with the biblical time period of the Great Flood and raining for 40 and nights.. check it out as a fellow sandgroper so ya reckon I could make it the 25 mins from the coast to Serpentine.. I don’t think so 😮

  7. According to the Vedic yuga cycle in the golden age humans are giant, super intelligent, and virtuous, but as the cycle moves to Kali Yuga the humans get smaller, dumber, and less virtuous. There is a reset between ages with a destructive apocalypse.

  8. When my husband was in the U.S. Marine Corps back in the early 1980’s, they were training in the woods of Minnesota.
    He said near the Canadian border there were plants, ferns and others, that were so huge they could stand under the leaves!
    He described it as “the land of the giants” and has never forgotten it after all these years.
    He also said the place was eerie and everyone was on edge… and they were Recon… not easily shaken.

  9. Hancock is good when he stays in his lane. He's wrong about the cataclysm. It is a recurring event, 12k year cycle, 6k half cycle, 3k quarter cycle… we wre approach-ing the 12k event mark which implies a pole flip and solar outburst… this is called the Great Reset. Your belief is not required, but out of curiousity, if you can believe the earth is flat, why is it so hard to entertain the idea that our star goes micronova on a 12k year cycle?

  10. I’m in my 70s. When I was young my family would travel up through Pennsylvania and drive up Route 11. We would pass between blown mountains passes. Seeing The shale rocks I imagined they were collapsed sky scrapers and large buried cities.

  11. There were giants skeletons/skulls found in a cave back in the 70s on the port waikato coast, military came along and blew up the entrances. Dad took us kids to see, so first hand knowledge. Also one the farm where we grew up at Raglan has massive rock formations that clearly show bricks and has a tunnel system and a water source, we use to play there often as kids.


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