Meet Elon Musk Protected by his Humanoid Robot Bodyguard Eyes


48 thoughts on “Meet Elon Musk Protected by his Humanoid Robot Bodyguard Eyes”

  1. lol one day at one of the Tesla expos Elon is going to finally reveal that him, his body guards, and most of the audience members were all secretly humanoid robots the whole time.

  2. Anyone else noticed his shirt pattern used to break the pattern of the imprint of a gun which indicates he was carrying .. and noticed his weapon he was carrying appendix ..

  3. 200

    Byke,cars,flights ,TVs, system everything went down to business…… people with money can buy and experience technology. Others or ment to die wishing

    Lot million have not experience the past technology due business and money

    You could have made it free after your business is done but you guys erase and extinct the past products and technology before everyone get an usage experience

    How do you own this ? These are found by the hard working people and how come you run the show
    Only the scientists have the right to decide the business … investor can only invest and wait for the returns
    It doesn't take to malfunction what you made for business so" beware"

  4. Naw dudes a absolute unit ! That’s how you want your security to look 👀 head on a swivel constantly reading the situation and looking for potential threats! Give dude a raise!


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