Mdzs react to Wei Wuxian’s parents as Hualian

Au explanation (+extra)

When Wei Wuxian was born there was trouble stirring around the realm so both Xie lian and Hue Cheng were busy, Wei Wuxian had been kept a secret as to not become a target due to being a weakness enemies would desperately need

In order to protect their child they
sent him to the human realm temporarily
while they got everything in order, he stayed
with one of Xie Lian’s acquaintances

When everything was calmer and Wei Ying
was old enough to protect himself they
asked him to come home with them but
he refused since he had found a new family
who he couldn’t abandon, they were of
course upset but wouldn’t force him

When the war started they once again tried to convince him to leave the human realm, but were swiftly turned down.

After the Wen’s sacrificed themselves for Wei Ying he quickly called for his parents, he asked them to take care of A-yuan in his absence, huelain once again asked him to just return with them, but he refused

Once Wei Ying jumped off the cliff he was caught by his father who brought him back to the Ghost realm, he stayed with his parents until everything had calmed down since everyone thought him to be dead

Wei Wuxian returned to the burial mounds with a-yuan and his parents when he started to ask questions about his past family, they looked around and Wei Wuxian talked about all his memories, but then they sensed a presence, Lan Wangji.

Wangji asked Wei Wuxian to return to Gusu with him which caused a angry Hua Cheng and a confused Xie Lian, when Wie Wuxian refused, Wangji said “then where you go from now, I’ll follow “

Wei Wuxian, who had a lot of time to think while he was technically dead in the human realm and non existent in the others, agreed and told Lan Wangji to meet him back there in 1 week if he was serious, and he was

He explained everything to his brother, who although saddened by the thought of not being with his brother, wished him a happy life and told him to visit

Wangxian get married, and lived a good life


Hua Cheng(HC) was watching over Wei Wuxian(WWX), himself and Xie Lian(XL) were previously taking turns, but XL had become stressed out and anxious so HC insisted on doing it himself

During this time the Wen Clan attacks Yunmeng Jiang Sect and the canon events take place, HC only informs XL about the war and try’s to give as little information about WWX as possible, since XL would try and interfere which would cause more outrage towards them

Since WWX never actually died he Mo (?) was not able to complete the sacrifice ritual and 😵 anyway, everyone aside from LX and LW think WWX is dead

The reason LW was able to survive so long despite not wanting to was because he felt deep in his soul that WWX was not truly gone, so until he found his remains he would not lose hope

Both WWX and LW are so open with their feelings is because they had a lot of time to think about it alone, and WWX had confided in his parents

Ask any questions you have in the comments


26 thoughts on “Mdzs react to Wei Wuxian’s parents as Hualian”

  1. There will be a part 2, and possibly some other parts depending on how that goes❤️

    Also the reason the characters assumed Xie Lian was a female was because I said they would react to Wei Wuxian’s real parents, and as far as they knew a normal man couldn’t give birth so that’s why they thought he was a women

    At 10:05 they realised he was a male, although the discovery of his godship quickly overtook their reactions


  2. Technically tho, Hua Cheng wasn’t banished from heaven like Xie Lian, he literally just jumped down and never went back up again. He literally just switched titles since he was still a ghost nevertheless when he ascended, he also technically has believers tho they’re dead, not alive. So technically, he’s still a God? Maybe? Just like- not an official one? 😂

  3. 15:47

    Hua Cheng beating 33 martial gods because they insulted his husband
    Lan Wangji :- he is devoted, I'll aspire to become like him
    Me :- ………I mean……you did end up injuring 33 elders for the sake of your husband?……….


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