Maximum Action – A Carnage-Filled Guns Akimbo FPS Inspired by 80's Action Movies! (Update)

Maximum Action – A Carnage-Filled Guns Akimbo FPS Inspired by 80’s Action Movies! (Update)

Available Now on Steam Early Access:



38 thoughts on “Maximum Action – A Carnage-Filled Guns Akimbo FPS Inspired by 80's Action Movies! (Update)”

  1. Fun fact: After you finish the level, you can actually watch yourself play through the level as if you were watching an action movie starring yourself. Better yet, all the slow mo bits play out in real time.

  2. I first got this game a few years ago and I love firing it up every now and again cause it has great gameplay and it does deliver Maximum Action. It reminds me on the Action Half-Life mod or the Action Quake 2 mod from over 20 years ago lol, but updated with more modern gameplay and a bit better graphics. I like that they are not cheap with the slow motion, if you just use it when you need it then it doesn't really ever run out, and it recharges pretty quick. The game also has a huge modding community with tons of new weapons and also maps.

  3. Has the game been updated recently?

    I have tried it about 4 months ago and it was absolutely unplayable: Random lag spikes, clipping through walls when jumping or sliding (which resulted in getting stuck out of bounds) and a guaranteed crash to desktop on a jungle level. I honestly don't remember many games to work just as horribly as Maximum Action did.

    To any of you who wanna say the stupid, yes I was playing a licensed Steam version of the game.


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