Matt Taibbi on the Twitter files

Matt Taibbi joins The Grayzone live for a discussion with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate about his reporting on internal Twitter files exposing shocking levels of US government pressure on the social media giant to censor accounts dissenting against official deceptions and revealing some of the most titanic frauds of the Trump-era Russiagate drama.


48 thoughts on “Matt Taibbi on the Twitter files”

  1. What is the purpose of the state and who does it serve? Channels like this one continuously act as though the STATE has corporate media on the payroll when it's the complete other way around. It really gets rather old and annoying. I find the complete reversal of material reality to be liberal propaganda itself.

  2. History will show that all this misinformation has led us down the road to self destruction. The Ukraine war will mark the turning point from a unipolar world to a multipolar world along with the long decline of our dollar hegemony.

  3. I have a hunch that no one, but no one has ever had a more profound 'effect' on the American psyche in general – than that of Sigmund Freud's nephew! – All of the issues touched upon during this show corroborates my hunch . . . .

    Respect goes out from the US vassal state of Norway to you guys! . . .

  4. 53:54… On the Jacobin Left… To be fair, Branko Marcetic — whose deplorable views on Covid should not go down as anyone's finest hour — all the same argued that the Twitter Files were a "big deal," adding "the news is important and the details are alarming."

  5. I think Hillary and them assumed Russia was doing something, however so small. and that they could blame Russia in error and something would be found in truth to cover their ass, but many sensed it was bullshit so they can push people around legally on a moral high ground. But we know now it was political lies designed to effect the election and scare republicans from supporting their favorite candidate. Their lies exposed is showing who actually undermined democracy in America now we see DNC members were not playing fair, essentially cheating, contrary to the way of the better candidate wins, on merits, otherwise. Perhaps people are wrong about Putins motivations in Ukraine, that he really was about protecting those shelled in Donbas and was forced to engage when Ukraine paramilitary attacked humanitarian aid convoys and continue to frame them for all the bombed out structures and death in the east, much like they framed President Trump and many supporters.

  6. someone should hire me for my intuition. Its been 100% right on all of the stuff these guys fact check. I don't have exact data, but most of it is quite obvious to me.

    I'll pull some predictions right now.

    1. I highly doubt Epstein is dead.
    2. Bill gates is out to kill as many people as he can.
    3. The US will self destruct as a global power within 10 years.
    4. Hillary Clinton is responsible for a large part of corruption in the United States.
    5. Putin is fighting for freedom of all countries from imperialist globalists in the United States.
    6. Russia isn't nearly as bad as it has always been presented to the public. (can't say I have the same feeling about china).
    7. The US stock market is going to go through a massive shock in the next 5 years. By massive I mean its biggest shock, potentially collapsing the whole market.
    8. Civil war is going to break out in the next 5 years, likely during or shortly after 2024 elections.
    9. Decentralized currencies will be banned in the next 10 years, likely shortly after centralized digital currencies will be pushed by global banks.
    10. AI will be pushed forward as an authority in the next 10 years (while being coded and written in favor of silicon valley).
    11. As a bonus, climate change will be a massive topic in the news for the next 10 years, in order to gain more control for the elites. Global lockdowns due to climate change are very possible in order to manipulate markets.

    None of these I can prove, but am certain of. Come back in 10 years to see how much of it came true. It just seems reasonable and logical to me from the little I do know. The core of my ideology that renders these predictions, is that humans are inherently evil. If you assume that, all of these things must happen as a logical string of events.

  7. We shouldn't forget the unidentified co-conspirators Google/YT, Facebook etc. who were obviously playing the same tune the GOV wanted and are still doing so now it would seem. Perhaps they are much more willingly complicit than Twitter to screw over their users for GOV brownie points.

  8. Has paedo apologist Matt, Peter Thiel's little lapdog, released what Trump Admin (Govt at the time) wanted and got Twitter to kill? LoL yeah nah silence from Jizz Freezing Matt Taibbi. Best friend to Paedophiles, Groomers and Gay Porn producers. All of who seem to like residing in Brazil, hmmm? Is Brazil child trafficking and Paedophile capital of the continent?
    Stay classless creepos and paedos.

  9. Someone needs to investigate what the DNC/Obama Admin did to shadow-ban Bernie supporters and create the whole Bernie Bros meme. Cap that with an interview of the man himself. Hate to use the GOP term cucked – but these tech companies helped kill the Sanders momentum, but thank goodness, couldn't squash the message. (No one questions the 1% narrative, social inequality and the healthcare is a human right anymore thanks to what could get out in spite of the msm/social media black balling.)
    I was radicalized by what my eyes and ears told me at the many Sanders rallies I attended and the corresponding media and social media coverage. I knew the fix was in and now that the curtain is pulled back I see so much more.
    Thank you for reporting this. It is important. I hope students in the near future study the Twitter Files as I studied the Pentagon Papers in my day.

  10. Thanks for detailing exactly how badly we have been gaslighted by the security state and MSM presstitutes. Hearing Matt say "fake news story" about something that was circulating at the same time Trump was calling fake news by its proper name is depressing. Integrity is a thing of the past amongst our "leadership."

  11. Now we're running the risk of a nuclear war and a big part of what got us here was the diplomatic hostility towards Russia, greatly exacerbated by years of anti Russian lies in the media, all because Hillary couldn't accept that people just hate her guts and would rather elect an orange narcissist than her.

  12. Has the Democratic Party coopted the nation's intelligence agencies or have the intelligence agencies coopted the Democratic Party? Or, is there a third, secret organization that is using the Democratic and Republican parties as fronts? Is the Establishment not just a label for whoever has institutional political power, but is in fact a hidden cabal of shadowy elites?

  13. This panel is treating these political and governmental violations of the Constitution as an amusing journalistic and spy agency slapstick routine. The "truth" is only valued as an opportunity to reveal funny tidbits about shenanigans in Washington D.C. No Constitutional crisis going on here. We're just enjoying the clown show.

  14. My three favorite journalist. 2 I got to know through Jimmy Dore and Taibbi from Trump Campaign.

    I love this segment. Thank you for helping me understand what was going on. I saddens me to know our Politicians planned this big cover up.

  15. I applaud journalists like Matt Taibbi, Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate (The Grayzone) most American Democrats and those who support them hate the truth more than ever.
    It was they who staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and a "coup" in the United States (United States Presidential election, 2020). I hope Elon Musk would buy The Facebook also a tool for US Government.

  16. Amazing work gentlemen!! There are so many people out there that need to hear this to break their rose colored glasses about the legacy media and the democrat party. You guys who bringing this truth out, the whole Bari, Matt, Elon, everyone associated with revealing the LIES that these people have perpetuated in the US general public and the world should get a Pulitzer because this is what real journalism is about… not the crap that people have been receiving this award for over the last few years.
    And all those that have received a Pulitzer over the last few years should return their award and slink away in disgrace.

  17. I see that piece of inhuman detritus Jared is standing next to Musk. What the fuck. That wax doll vapid self absorbed zionist and slumlord always tells the tale. A tale of smug misery visited upon the poor and the brutalized. Fuuuuuuuuuck.


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