Matt Petgrave Arrested for Manslaughter for the Death of Adam Johnson | Criminal Lawyer Reacts

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Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Reacts to Matt Petgrave’s Arrest over the Death of Adam Johnson


Producer: Michael Rivers
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31 thoughts on “Matt Petgrave Arrested for Manslaughter for the Death of Adam Johnson | Criminal Lawyer Reacts”

  1. Petgrave needs to go to jail for a long time. He is a thug and he has been doing stuff like this for years. The Steelers also need to take a long look at how they operate.

  2. Thank you so much for covering this (tragic) case – being from the UK myself and having spent time in Nottingham I've been following this since it happened and was wondering why an arrest for manslaughter was made. Now I know why. Can I also please echo the sentiments of "Mr Voicemail" – We love you and your talented son "The Content Genius".

  3. If he has been warned previously about raising his skate, then he is accepting the consequences of his actions when he does it again. He was in an entanglement with another player; however, balancing did not appear to be an issue. It was more like he was using the other player as a leaning crutch to raise his skate excessively high.

  4. I'm sorry but Petgrave intentionally kicked out at Adam Johnson probably with the intent of throwing him off balance and away from potentially scoring. Biggggg mistake, he caught the poor mans throat instead of his padded chest area? Nevertheless Adam Johnson tragically died and Petgrave is looking at a prison sentence. :((

  5. Don’t change a thing about you or your producer son! You both are so successful because of your knowledge of the law as well as politics, personality, humor, wit, and amazing love you are not afraid to express. Your insight into law is awesome and not just Defense Attorney Law but also Prosecutorial laws. You go above and beyond to help us understand the what, why and when of this confusing world of legalese. Certainly for me as I, have never been in a Courtroom except, as a Juror. I’m 60 yet, if I was even 40, I would love to go back and get my law degree, law fascinates me. I have always loved the law, I wish I knew people where you lived there hat needed a Defense Attorney although, I have a feeling you can and do represent other areas as well. You are awesome and need to move to sunny San Diego! Keep it real like you have been! Have a great day, say hello to your amazing son!

  6. Bruce, you are the best and I absolutely love watching your videos as you explain the law so us lay-people can understand. Even though I am a Canadian I find your explanations and interpretations of the law so helpful in following the law in both our countries. Count me in as a fan.

  7. Dude, I don't think you swear enough! When you are showing your true emotions & you're swearing makes you seem real like you're down to earth, feels like it's not made up! THAT'S WHY I LIKE YOU!! DON'T STOP, PLEASE 🙏 JUST BE REAL JUST BE YOURSELF, LIKE IF YOU WERE SHOOTING THE SHIT WITH YOUR FRIENDS ¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡

  8. I think anyone defending the guy who is being charged has never played hockey.. yes it’s a violent sport but there are unspoken rules every player knows not to violate.. like using your stick as a weapon for example, but I’ve never in my life seen such a blatant disregard for other players Saftey kicking your skate up that high.. 100% deserves to be charged w manslaughter there’s a reason this rarely ever happens.

  9. Ex high school hockey player here. Keep in mind here the video is not the best quality. It is very unusual for a skate to reach this high. Normally that will only happen if you get flipped over someone else by a hip check. It slightly appears like his right foot was swept to the right by another player, but this should have pushed his skates out from underneath him to the right, not caused him to fly in the air up to the left. Very fishy. I can't say for sure from the video if this was intentional but having some history will be important. Part of me feels like this is just the British system doing their due diligence. Another part of me is incredulous this could happen without some intent to harm.

  10. Before I get more than 2 minutes into this video …. I’d say even if he did intentionally lift his skate , given it’s a game I’d say it’s a tough one to think a guy goes to jail from a freak accident ….

  11. This isn’t first recorded spin kick in his history. There is a video doing a similar move early on his career, is there any chance that could come into play in court and how much weight could it hold

  12. I love watching your videos and hearing your legal take on things. I have to say, though that you remind me of Saul Goodman of Better Call Saul. I mean that in a good way. It’s the way that you talk and the comments you make. You are pretty funny at times.

  13. This was not in accident. It was intentional. The way he lifts his leg up is how you through a side kick. It’s an MMA kick. The most telling that it’s a side kick is that at the end of the kick in order to get the power and torque from the kick you can see his knee almost lock from the whip at the end of the kick. ITS SO OBVIOUS ITS INSANE

  14. I played hockey for years and when a persons leg is shot up like that… say from a player in front of them bumping his leg (or being hit)…. their leg will swing straight out (no crook in leg). That's not the case here. His leg was "crooked'… meaning He was intentionally trying to kick him and holding his leg up. And if you look at video real close… he was not hot to cause it leg to fling up. So, he did this on purpose. Was he trying to kill him… I doubt it. But that is why manslaughter is the best charge here. He meant to hurt him, but what he got was death.


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