Masters of the Universe: Clash of Eternia | Solo Playthrough (part one) | with Jason

Jason plays through the Explore the Dungeon cooperative scenario of this adventure game from CMON, based on the He-Man cartoon. Check out the rest of the playthrough in Part Two!

**Note – there are some minor rules errors that are noted in watcher comments below. Please enjoy this video in the spirit of its primary intention, which is to convey the fun of the game.

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0:00 – Introduction
2:45 Overview
9:16 First Round (and More Rules)
21:21 Escalation Zero
45:14 Escalation One – Two
50:01 Escalation Three – Four
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20 thoughts on “Masters of the Universe: Clash of Eternia | Solo Playthrough (part one) | with Jason”

  1. Been enjoying this one but yet to try it solo vs the AI. Enjoyed your play thru session to see how it works. 1 vs Many is quite fun and highly recommend this one 🙂

  2. I've been WAITING for this! I have an all-in (I have the power pledge) still in its shrink wrap and I'm thinking about selling it. I only play games solo and coop these days, so this one might be too limited for me in my situation.

  3. What I did like about this video is the clarity and angle of the video, and how you zoomed in to the areas where action was occurring. But overall I actually did not like this play through. I do apologize if this comes across overly critical but I feel people seeing this should know all the mistakes in the rules interpretation that were made. Though this is a long comment with many mistakes pointed out it does end off with several positive points.

    -This particular point is just a personal preference so it means very little. The starting improv music. You could have dubbed in some actual music. Again that’s just my opinion. Others probably loved it.
    -Something throughout the video I’m not sure if it was done correctly. The AI decks are reshuffled at the end of every Activation card placement phase before the first Activation card is flipped. I feel like you only shuffled them when they ran out.
    -Around 5:30 into the video you comment about He-Man getting to red he can get Battlecat if he doesn’t die. First off you just get KO, not killed (some will say it means the same thing). Second, even if you get KO’d you’ll still “Escalate” (some call it levelling up) and pick your new Skill.
    -You use the term ”Energy” throughout the video where the game uses the terminology “Power”.
    -Any of the Terrain that has a movement cost to enter or leave it is in addition to the normal cost of the step. So moving onto a Rock terrain will cost 2 + 1 for a total of 3 spaces. This has been verified by CMON. I find it surprising though that at almost 1:08:00 you explain the extra cost of movement correctly when moving Skeletor into the Forest.
    -Around 13:50 you move Trap Jaw past a Deadly Plant, not a Poison Trap, which may be confusing to new players as there is a Poison Pool token. Also, mentioning that the Deadly Plant only performs its attack once per character activation regardless of how many steps the character makes past it. This may have been important information to those learning the rules. It was good to hear you calling them plants later in the video and eventually (1:17:00) you mention the attack only happens once during a character’s Activation.
    -You weren’t using the Controller Dashboard (which isn’t a big deal). Technically you are suppose to use it. You just use the top half of the Controller Dashboard for the character Power. And to confirm what you said around 57:00, yes, each AI character is limited to 5 Power.
    -Dazed effect does not take an Action to clear. It takes 1 Power.
    -Almost 22 minutes in you state AI characters will use any Boosts they can. This isn’t fully true. They will use any Boosts that make sense. They won’t burn through their Power to use a Boost that won’t provide them with an actual benefit. Example: If Skeletor had enough Power but was at full health he would not waste the Power to use his second Attack Boost to heal.
    At 40:00 it was good to see you did not spend Power to have Skeletor Daze He-Man.
    -At 24:50 Trap Jaw should have been attacked by the Deadly Plant as he moved away (leaving an adjacent space to the Deadly Plant).
    -At 32:00, Evil-Lyn’s Skill Pushes an Enemy up to 4 spaces. Pushed 0 spaces falls into that. With the Royal Guard being within its abilities range, yes it can be affected by Evil-Lyn instead of Teela. BUT your only options at this point would be to have Teela get affected and have her Attack the Guard <OR> have the Guard be the target of Evil-Lyn and have the Guard Attack Teela.
    But as you did “Pushed” the Royal Guard, as it passed the Deadly Plant (which shouldn’t have happened) it would have “Chomped” the Royal Guard because it’s ability doesn’t state anything about “models moving”, simply that it performs the Attack on models that enter or leave adjacent spaces (moved or pushed).
    -Teela’s minions should have activated one at a time. Not both moved then both attacked.
    -At 49:50 Evil-Lyn should have rolled 6 dice as max dice is 6.
    -At 51:40 Teela had moved out of her command range of her Royal Guards so she should not have been able to activate them. She could have resummoned them (effectively repositioning them next to her).
    -At 53:00 you would have had to declare the use of the Royal Guard’s ability to protect He-Man before the dice roll. And again around 1:06:40 when protecting Man-At-Arms.
    -About 1:03:00 He-Man should have taken Escape Damage when moving away from Skeletor. And right after when doing the Strategy Activation the Hover Robot should have been Chomped by the Deadly Plant before attacking He-Man.
    -At 1:04:44 Lock Jaw was in range of He-Man (4 spaces) and could attack him. Models and Forests do not block Line of Sight. Even if he had to move to between the Hover Robot and Skeletor the next step was done incorrectly. Where you say Trap Jaw couldn’t move and you spent the 2 Power, the AI would not have wasted the Power to try and move Trap Jaw if he couldn’t move.
    1:06:00 the Hover Robot spawned next to Man-At-Arms would not spawn by the most dangerous spot for it. When performing AI Activations you are to perform all their actions in a way that is most beneficial to it and most hindering to the players. If it was focused on Man-At-Arms it would have spawned by the Lake so it couldn’t be harmed by the Deadly Plant or by He-Man (unless there was a reason that would benefit it to be placed in such a hazardous space). This is just Munchkin gaming mentality (playing in a way that is detrimental to the AI). Spawning is not a move, like a Push is not a move.
    About 1:17:00, you mistaken Man-At-Arms as a Royal Guard. The Guard could still take the hit for He-Man but would have needed to be repositioned.
    1:19:50 the 3rd Hover Robot moved should have been Chomped by the Deadly Plant it moved next to.

    Some points I did like:
    -At about 41:00 I really liked how you explained your thought process on moving Man-At-Arms. 👍
    -Evil-Lyn’s Activation around 42:00 I’m pretty sure you were correct. But I have nothing to confirm this. 👍
    -Just to confirm, at 47:00, yes Trap Jaw CAN draw Line of Sight along the edge of a piece of terrain that blocks LoS. This was confirmed to me by CMON. 👍
    1:10:00, you are correct. The AI characters generally cannot perform an Interact Action, which is what interacting with a Boulder is. But CMON is going to include an Emergency Action in the upcoming FAQ. This will allow all models to remove a single blocking terrain (Boulders, Deadly Plants, Ice Walls) IF the terrain is preventing them from continuing to participate in the scenario. It would not allow them to throw a Boulder. Now in the scenario where Evil-Lyn is behind the Boulder it would be up to you to decide would she remove the Boulder so she could attack Teela or would she bide her time and wait for Teela to come through because yes she is blocked from participating BUT we know Teela is planning on coming through at some point soon.
    -Moving Teela to block a potential spawn location next to the Boulder I feel is perfectly acceptable.

    I do hate to point out so many flaws. Especially where we can see you were having such a good time.
    I suppose though that everyone is free to interpret the rules and play it however they want. I hope these points help enhance your future games as well as others. I’d really enjoy seeing another video of this game done by you with with less incorrectly rule use.

  4. Thank you for the playthrough, Jason! Not being American, this game and IP definitely looks intriguing! I also love that it's a one vs many (not many of those nowadays) AND that it has solo/coop.
    Would you say that the base game is a good value? I know that CMON "base" games can sometimes be lacking (punishing you for not having been on the KS). Thanks!


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