Master the Slippery Logic of Nonduality – Shunyamurti Teaching

Shunyamurti reminds us that the world is unreal and there is only the Real, which is regained by returning to silence, where the …


30 thoughts on “Master the Slippery Logic of Nonduality – Shunyamurti Teaching”

  1. I love the gossip of John I watched a movie yesterday that's accurate account from the writings. It is so much more meaningful after having experiences in practice than prior to practice. I feel the same about Jung and what he was trying to express in a western description of Kundalini no experience its just another text another idea but more understanding comes after you have something to relate to his experience. In the silence it occurred to me the gift of being born into the world for experiences and a chance to interact as another with another but sadly the beautiful world and the bodies in do not share the same idea and create suffering.

  2. This is why Mr. Anderson must die and be reborn as Neo. Smith waits for him at the gate to 303 (33) and keeps preventing him from tapping into his Atma which also is the Paramatma in a mystical union of unimaginable power and splendor. But when he does, he can defeat anything and anyone in Maya because the Atma supersedes Maya and everything in it.

  3. Interesting and yet when you speak about the infinite mind of God it still sounds like a Duality concept and something outside of ourselves. I guess its hard to explain creative force in a non- dualistic way and the misuse and abuse of the word God (as an ideology) has ( respectfully speaking) bastardized the word. Time in the New Earth for a new word perhaps?

  4. Namaste: Beautifully stated. 🙏Indeed, past trauma can either remain a ball and chain, or be formed into a foundation for in-lightenment and wisdom. Regardless of past experience, attachment to an egoic bound victim mentality is a trap, a `fish weir' that captures and inhibits an opening of the way to the True Self. The ego and it's attachments do not survive. These are things of dual time/space, a `Cartesian' mind/body hard drive that spins round and round. As Voltaire writes, "History never repeats itself, man always does." Be the Light — The Truth and Goodness you wish to see. Blessings and Kind Regards to Shunyamurti and all Sat Yoga Lamplights, Elazar

  5. Time in the infinity works with the same formula . If space is 0.0000000001 periodic compare to the infinite space that is 99.9999 periodic…..time compare to eternity works the same …..all existence compare to the eternity it’s less then a millisecond or again 0.000000001 of time

  6. If you call an infinite field of vibration a word, then sure. I always find my words are never enough to describe my experience. No one can understand it All, because mystery is in the soul of every being. There is nothing wrong with admitting we don’t know. Thank god we’ll never fully know All. Om Namah Shivaya 🙏🏼


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