MASSIVE UFO FLEET Encounter With Commercial Airliner! Aviation Experts Reaction! 2022

MASSIVE UFO FLEET Encounter With Commercial Airliner! Aviation Experts Reaction! 2022

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37 thoughts on “MASSIVE UFO FLEET Encounter With Commercial Airliner! Aviation Experts Reaction! 2022”

  1. I’m kinda wondering about this one guys. However, this probably goes on quite often and were just catching a glimpse here. The geography below looks to be a mountain of sorts. Another thing is if they did not want to be spotted they would have been cloaked.

  2. Hello multi-dimensional self reflective bioelectrical biochemical biophysical biomechanical cosmocentric electrodynamic light quantum of intelligence experience and reality.

    So the cigar shaped UFO's are called "VAILIXI"
    Flying saucer UFO's are called
    "VRIL TECH" or " VIMANA"

  3. I seen not long ago maybe 6 months ago or little longer then 6 months but I seen like 10 look a like stars in 1 line when I look closer they where all follow each other in 1 line and move somewhere and that's the first time i seen this in all my years im alive I seen like 1 fly off like a moved star but never like 10 or even more.. followed each other in 1 line I didn't seen red & white light like airplanes and helicopters have I can't say it's ufo or secret army training but I did find it sus never seen it before. No sound or aircraft light as it have normal just pure star light just sus feeling.

  4. do ppl not realize if this was actually real, then every single person on that side would have their own phone filming it straight to instagram. SHEESH ppl logic over eyeballs on the monitor, where deepfake and CGI are prevalent these days


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