Mass Effect 4 Looks Promising As MASSIVE Fan Joins Development Team

So the development of Mass Effect 4/5 looks really promising as fellow Youtuber, @Lessons from the Screenplay , joins the team over at Bioware. We also have some news on the progress of the game itself from Project Director, Michael Gamble.

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41 thoughts on “Mass Effect 4 Looks Promising As MASSIVE Fan Joins Development Team”

  1. 😂😂😂😂 just because a fan is joining development doesn't mean it will be great. Do called fans will always bitch because things didn't go their way. Mass effect 3 ending is one small example.

  2. This is what I mean when I say I totally give new Bioware games the benefit of the doubt. People may be skeptical because of recent failures and because most of the original people are gone, but they fail to realize that newer people are probably fans that care about ME they would definitely try to make it as best as possible (if EA lets them of course).

  3. Am I the only person that would love to have a mass effect game that focuses on Anderson in the first contact war? Either playing as him or a soldier working alongside him, and post game is us playing as Shepherd in the Skylinan Blitz

  4. People keep saying it’d be super hard to say Ryder got back to the Milky Way, but it’s fairly simple. Say that the Andromeda initiative found a piece of Remnant tech that happens to be a portal between galaxies. It could also possibly introduce the Remnant as more of a player in the ME story, maybe that they were a rival to the Leviathans that ended up losing a war with them and fled to Andromeda? I think it would be a nice little bow that could be ironed out perfectly.

  5. Mass Effect shouldn't be ANYTHING like Game of Thrones. Mass Effect is fundamentally a 'Hero's Journey'. Game of Thrones is already Game of Thrones. Shoe horning Martin's philosophy into Mass Effect is absurd. If anything it could be more like Lord of the Rings. But what would be better is if it's just FUCKING MASS EFFECT.

  6. My Wishes are that Bioware could bring Sheppard back y'know like the old times it was him and Master Chief if not possible maybe a relative/son/daughter of him/her or something just pull up some bird magic allowing sheppard to have kids with the romantic option of preference y'know keep the legacy going :p

  7. My favorite thing about mass effect is the immersive relationships Shepard builds and how much you try to upkeep them and don’t want them to fail I really hope that returns and is a driving point on the story and gameplay, and no more ugly characters for the love of god.

  8. i hope bioware can combine all mass effect endings but that's just me. will still play it regardless.

    liara was my first romance gerrus was my rebound and then main romance

  9. What if the vaults in Andromeda are the chosen paths of evolution and the Jardan were the ones wiped out by reapers. If the reapers cycles went on for millions of years who is to say they did not do the same in the closest galaxy to the milky way. Instead of relays they made terra forming vaults that can reset planets like genisis in star trek or hades in horizon FW.

  10. I appreciate and enjoy the Mass Effect information that you give out. I would certainly like to see Andromeda tied into the MW galaxy. It's a tough one, but perhaps the Remnant tech had one superior capability when fully utilised, that would be instant or almost instant travel between actual galaxies, or certain galaxies even. I mean, the Remnant were created by a race close to the Angara right? But they left the Andromeda galaxy some time ago? My memory is a little vague in regards to ME: Andromeda. Perhaps the Geth figured something out themselves. There are tons of things to go with that wouldn't ruin the ME universe.

  11. Dude bioware is dead. Me4 probably won't be anything other than another piece of modern ea trash with bunch of forced boxes checked with a mediocre at best story… if we're lucky… them bringing on "superfan man" isn't gonna save shit. If I'm wrong I'll gladly eat crow but we've seen this song and dance for years now with games and tv shows/movies and the constant blind optimism for this type of shit is getting real old.

  12. A short stream but a good and informative one, i will watch what you plan to cover next until we get something to do content on based on the next ME 🙂

  13. Man, all the wrong doings to the franchise, started when Gamble took over since ME2 and notice how things had been going. He is the embodiment of the corporated pawn of and from EA🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😒👍

  14. What i'm scared most is if they go full SJW like Andromeda on the next ME, it would crush my heart because it would be like pissing on Shepard's legacy.
    I want to feel pure happiness but right now i feel fear of what could happen.

  15. Having "Fans" join a development team can be good or bad depending on the roles they get assigned to and the mentality they enter the project with. They could either be really motivated to make the project the best project it can possibly be, or they could try to force their image of what it should be on the rest of the team and ruin the intended product as a result. I'm withholding judgement for now as I don't personally know the people involved.

  16. Having a writter that have a fan view of the series can be good and bad, it depends on the way you see it, because he will be biased depending in his own view and experiences of the game…

    And mass effect was such a massive RPG that you could basically form and shape the structure of the universe depending in your choices…

    But as this is a game and not a tvseries, i believe it can be good, because choices will allways be part of it, and if he manages to make several writting from different perspective its certainly a great opportunity.

    I am inclined to believe he will make a good job, as he seems to have a good background.

    I wish Michael good fortune in this project and bioware delivers a game worthy of the Mass effect fictional world.

  17. Michal Tucker will be working on it, which has fans of the RPG series excited.

    For those that don't know: Tucker is a content creator over on YouTube known for his work on the Story Mode and Beyond the Screenplay channels


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