MASS EFFECT 2 (Legendary) #31 : Quarians

Class : Vanguard
Difficulty : Hardcore

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21 thoughts on “MASS EFFECT 2 (Legendary) #31 : Quarians”

  1. Always felt this whole traitor quest was badly made and contrived not only in regards to Tali herself but as a quest in itself. It feels like they could not make a better story and just through this in to fill a gap but then I always hate this type of political quest as it reminds me too much of our own modern politics and MPs.

  2. OMG I hope you pick the renegade dialogue when you return from the Alarei 🙂 🙂 🙂 one of the best Shepard moments!!!! This is my favorite loyalty mission by a wide margin; all of the Admirals are well written and voiced. Even Zaal'Koris, whom it appears Gopher's Shepard hates (LOL) is quite nuanced with sympathetic motivations. GAH!! I love this game!! Can't wait until Sunday!!!

  3. I know you are roleplaying gopher, but for anyone watching and wanting to try it out for themselves: The Locust is great on Shepard since the spread and recoil on the Tempest is really bad. But on companions like Miranda, the Tempest is definitely the better weapon. Companions don't have any recoil and spread so Miranda can headshot enemies super accurately with her high damage burst fire with the tempest very well.

  4. A quick note: Your squadmates have 100% accuracy and don't need to reload. So while the Tempest's inaccuracy is meant to offset its high damage, your squadmates get the full benefit without the drawbacks. That said, I think squadmates receive a steep, but flat (like 50% or more), damage penalty on all weapons to prevent them from becoming lethal aimbots.

  5. Huh, I don't know if I remember correctly, but there was an option for this mission to be joined by a certain party member that has a lot of "tech" on it's body, right? Gopher just didn't recruit that member, yet right?

  6. It kills me that Gopher is basing so much off the in-game descriptions, considering how blatantly wrong they are.
    The previous few episodes clearly showed just how different weapons work between players and squad-mates.
    The squad weapon usage AI treats almost all weapons of a type the same, with the only differences being damage, burst size, and pellet count.
    They are always 100% accurate. They don't reload. And they don't even have an ammo pool.
    This makes the Locust, which is the best all-around player SMG, one of the worst weapons to give a squad-mate.
    Conversely, the Tempest, which is difficult for players to handle due to it's high recoil and long burst, is the best general use squad weapon.


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