Maryam and Sogra, two resilient women: the challenge of rebuilding trust after betrayal

In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, Maryam and Sogra emerge as two resilient women facing the formidable …


23 thoughts on “Maryam and Sogra, two resilient women: the challenge of rebuilding trust after betrayal”

  1. You've got to be kidding me this house is still not finished? I haven't been on this site for two months at least this is straight B.S. she's lazy and trifling. and refuse to work but deals with an psychopath who is not the father of this child nor is she the mother. Other channels finished their projects long ago, even I would have had things done. This is a ridiculous storyline of something that happened over 40 years ago so what's the deal about rehashing this story it not like the need monetary support. Not sure the true extent or purpose. Yes I am posting the woman was way too ridiculous and to me unbelievable of the stupidity. Yet she's Alway's clean sitting in dirt all day and don't get dirty; everyone works harder than her so where does she needs help; she's a manipulator. Give your money if you want but if this happened 40 years ago who are you really supporting? She acts like she wants a Mansion….

  2. maryam an advice from a friend here in the phil. your husband is just seeking someone to care for him because he has nobody to call of his situition donot give him your full support so that if ever someday he"ll betrayd you again its easy to kick him off.

  3. Амакисигс катта катта рахмат ,бундай одомани кундузи чирок екиб изласангиз хам топилмайди,фарзандларини хузурини курсин.

  4. It would be nice to paint the walls white and the partition too with colourful designs on the partition wall over top of the white paint….Possibly, the same designs can be replicated on the corner fireplace! This would brighten up the home and make it look less like a prison cement cell, with all due respect! This would be a great project for Maryam and Soghra!

  5. Another suggestion is a sloping roof over top the existing flat one so that rain and snow can slide off….and possibly make it overhanging on all sides to cover all sides as protection from rain erosion. Also, materials should not be as heavy as existing roof materials..


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