Marvel United: Multiverse | Day 8 – 12 Coverage (Updates 42 – 57)

Well that was a fun Weekend! Eric is back and today we are looking at everything announced for Marvel United: Multiverse for the last 5 DAYS! This will cover campaign updates 42 – 57: New Characters, New Expansions, Team Cards and a few old favorites returning!

Note: Future update videos will continue to center around expansion announcements or other major non-SG updates

Kickstarter Page:


2 thoughts on “Marvel United: Multiverse | Day 8 – 12 Coverage (Updates 42 – 57)”

  1. In order for it to be scalping you'd need CMON to limit the number of boxes they made for each set. If for whatever reason you missed out on a kickstarter then it is what it is. No one says that people who selk out of print games or games only released in other countries are scalpers and it's the same thing. The people on EBay are selling for what some people are willing to pay, if those people didn't buy the inflated prices then they'd have to ask for less. Not saying it's ideal for the people who miss out but it's how supply and demand work, the other way (forcing a cap on product) is worse.


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