Marvel Legends MOJO custom repaint!

Customized ML Mojo
Marvel Mojo paint apps
Marvel Legends MOJO paint comparison
Mojo paint mods
painting Marvel Legends Mojo
ML X-Men


31 thoughts on “Marvel Legends MOJO custom repaint!”

  1. Dude! This is nasty!!! So much better than the exclusive. It's very close to the comic styling that I appreciated. Not too bright and perfectly subtle with the colors. And I do agree with you on the liver spots. It's not really a thing for him. Its probably thier way of making him a bit more gross.

    V. Good stuff my man!

  2. This looks fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing. I’m itching to start custom-painting myself. Any chance you video documented your progress that you intend to share?

  3. You went to town on yours, I did mine up and felt it was a good job but after seeing this I'm gonna have to go back and follow suit, I left it mostly as is and just added a wash to the body and color to the lower half, and it was tedious AF, but the way yours turned out just jumps off the pages imo, only things yours needs is maybe the liver spots, I put them on mine and it looks good, he is spose to give off that feeling of living death, that and one neon pink tube on his head for comic accuracy but that's me it is flawless as is and thank you for sharing also I do like the other head sculpt, again it looks more like a being dealing with death and illness

  4. Great paintjob, I'm taking your ideas to make mine look better as well!
    Just two questions: On the body did you repaint the whole body yellow or did you just give it the orangeish wash all over and that made the whole figure less pale and more yellow (and gave the recessed parts the orange shadow)?
    And for the Chair did the blueish grey color you mix is there any metallic paint on that mix or is it a matte color and the silver drybrush is what makes the chair look like a metallic color?


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