MARU vs HERO: GSL Rivals rematch! | $75,000 ESL Winter (Bo5 TvP) – StarCraft 2

Subscribe to PiG Casts! herO (Protoss) faced off against Maru (Terran) in the $75000 ESL Winter Grand Finals at DreamHack …


23 thoughts on “MARU vs HERO: GSL Rivals rematch! | $75,000 ESL Winter (Bo5 TvP) – StarCraft 2”

  1. One of hero s weaknesses seem to be his late game. If he gest ahead on the early and mid game, he will usually be fine, but he struggles to put pressure with late game toss. That is something that players like showtime and maxpax seem better at.

  2. Wild theory but hear me out… Hero's been going to F2-Anonymous (as in hi my name's Hero and I'm an F2-aholic… Hi Hero…. it's been 53 days since the last time I pressed, and it's been hard… but in a week I'll earn my 60-day F2 chip… I just gotta go day-to-day until then…. *applause*).

    Okay anyways… so then he must've gotten an F2 sponsor who helped him take a screwdriver to his keyboard's F2 key as part of one of their steps… It explains everything! (Or he's just practiced hard and just stepped it up…. dunno, either fit.)

  3. Maru has just gotten lazy the past few months….. no way in hell he should have lost this match or got 3-0 by scarlett and so many others….. he obviously isnt in to SC2 anymore. the king has laid down his crown….

  4. Мдаа… в последнее время Мару совсем не того уровня что был раньше. Разочаровывает как никто другой из терранов.


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