Martian Sample Depot Setup | SpaceTime S25E142 | Astronomy & Space News Podcast

NASA’s Perseverance rover to start setting up the Martian sample depot
NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover has started work to set up a Mars sample return depot on the red planet – the first to be established on another world.
*A new satellite launched to monitor all the world’s water
The joint Franco-American scientific satellite has been successfully launched into orbit aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.
*China sets a new record for the number of orbital launches in a year
China appears to have finally wrapped up a busy orbital launch year conducting a record 62 missions in 2022.
*The Science Report
The UN to launch a satellite to monitor methane emissions and pin point the sources.
Replacing red meat with chickpeas and lentils is good for your health, wallet and the climate.
A versatile and nutritious new space food system for astronauts.
Skeptics guide the beliefs of those who meditate
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