Mars Tactics – (Turn Based Sci-fi Squad Combat)

Mars Tactics combines turn-based tactical gameplay with large-scale strategic operations across a detailed map of Mars.
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12 thoughts on “Mars Tactics – (Turn Based Sci-fi Squad Combat)”

  1. Nook, THANK YOU for playing my game again and being super patient with the horrible UX and bugs. And I really appreciate you explaining Suppression — I hope this mechanic sets the game apart. I learned a lot watching you play and am working hard to improve everything, especially the clunky controls and presentation. Thank you again for your patience and support!

    A few points in case viewers are curious:
    9:00 You are right, units with >1 AP will run from grenades. So you want to suppress enemies to pin them before nading them. What do you think of this mechanic? I wanted to make nades more tactical…
    10:09 Another trick is units who are inside smoke can't see incoming grenades, so they won't run from them. You executed this perfectly later at 27:30.
    17:30 If you hold L CTRL, you can choose which direction to take cover in.
    23:40 You can clear fences by shooting them, which will make a new path.
    32:10 You can only transfer AP to units you can see. My goal is encourage tighter teamwork with this.
    32:30 Hahaha nice idea just punching him!!!
    38:10 Hahaha don't blow up the shuttle!
    39:14 You actually did win and stole the shuttle. It said you lost because of a display bug. Sorry.
    42:18 This guy is slow because he's carrying the LMG, which is heavy. You can give ammo to someone else and run a 2-man unit: one shoots the LMG, the other reloads.
    50:59 When calling Airstrikes, you can change the approach angle with mouse wheel. Yours took out 2-3 enemies great job.
    54:25 Sorry, that was a bug. The 5th mission is not in the demo.
    55:30 Yes, the Labor faction can design their own guns completely from the ground up.
    55:35 Yep, I'll be showing the strategy layer soon. You fight for terrain, build bases, perform research, do diplomacy with Earth, and juggle logistics to keep troops on the frontline supplied.

    Thanks again!!


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