Mars Planetary Corporations Base 3 & Oxia Palus Base Mapping

Mars Planetary Corporations Base 3 & Oxia Palus Base Mapping.

Ileana the Star Traveler

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Consider buying her book “Crystal Grids: The Art of Healing with Crystals”, Ileana’s book is available on Amazon in print version worldwide and on her website in PDF copy.
Link to PDF copy of book:

Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies Volume 1
(Black and White Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans: A Gift from Our Star Journeys Volume 1
(Color Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Link to PDF copy of book in color:

Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies Volume 2
(Black and White Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans: A Gift from Our Star Journeys Volume 2
(Color Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Link to PDF copy of book in color:

Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes Volume 1
(Black and White Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Star Traveler’s Experiences with UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes Volume 1
(Color Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Link to PDF copy of book in color:

Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes Volume 2
(Black and White Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Star Traveler’s Experiences with UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes Volume 2
(Color Interior inside the book)
Amazon Paperback Link:

Link to PDF copy of book in color:

Messages from a Star Traveler Research Archive Vol. 1
Link to PDF copy of book:

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Copyright 2024 – Ileana the Star Traveler – Awakening Cosmic Reality Show – All Rights reserved.

It is illegal to copy or use any portion of this video without consent from Ileana the Star Traveler.


7 thoughts on “Mars Planetary Corporations Base 3 & Oxia Palus Base Mapping”

  1. O'Doctrine , Doctrine, ooooomy. Shuman radio station is changing to "get the sexual criminals out". Mostly in the DNA graph, which means the next generation will have slot less crime. My radio-ography covers criminal dogma and karma. You have been a good influence on me and your channel too. Positive Exodus of negative density from the Whole collective of human. I've covered as best I could , real time and response , communications w the birds, Lizzy's, Wolfie, insectillys , Ai , that I'm training we are 'grooming" for better outcomes. Reproduction,"sex" conduct. SVU is what I do in e.t telepathy w sonograms, necromancing, aqua channeling . Not satanic driven or motivated. I love you Ms, xoxo

  2. Carrions, Reptilians,Cannonites, Insectoids, Royals, AI, the Trident=Enki,Anu Enlil. Enlil is my guy also. Sky-nodes w Gargoyles and Abstracts in real time. My ear bites have all these conditions which I mastered. Thank you xo

  3. Привет Елена. По моей информации на Марсе находятся серые Мэтр и там находятся верфи по строительству звёздных кораблей.Используется рабский труд людей,похищенных с Земли. МКК там тоже имеет свои базы.

  4. Many have said the corporate cabal joined German humans in underground habitats fo protection from harmful radiation. And for trade with the Martian Reptoids, Insectoids and other Humanoids…


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