Mars Ping Is 7 Minutes

Mars Ping Is 7 Minutes
#shorts #space #gaming


49 thoughts on “Mars Ping Is 7 Minutes”

  1. I imagine that in the future for intergalactic communication, they're just gonna make a perfect ai replica of you that will predict exactly what you would write back, and just show them before the message even leaves your solar system

  2. Depending on where Mars and Earth are in their orbits. The distance between Mars and Earth changes. When they are at their closest point together, it’s 7 light minutes. Radio waves travel at the speed of light. Therefore you get 7 minutes ping. When Mars and Earth are the farthest apart, they are 28 light minutes apart.

    For comparison the moon is 1.3 light seconds from the Earth.

  3. Actually at some points in orbit it would take over 20 minutes for light form mars to reach earth meaning it would probably take a lot longer for internet if we can work out how to send it that fast

  4. Earth human:Yo bro you wanna hope on call of duty?

    7 minutes later

    Mars human:Yea bro let’s play

    7 minutes later

    Earth human:K I gtg in like a hour tho so we need to hurry

    7 minutes later

    Mars human: K


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