Mars: Perseverance Rover – The diary of the Ingenuity helicopter during the flight to Mars – Part 7

The diary of the Ingenuity helicopter during the flight to Mars – Part 7


29 thoughts on “Mars: Perseverance Rover – The diary of the Ingenuity helicopter during the flight to Mars – Part 7”

  1. Well I am fascinated with space now it's such a beautiful beautiful thing when you see it in pictures anyway I love to see it in person but I guess that's not going to happen but I do wonder how they figure people are going to live on Mars I mean I really should look more up about it and I like do they have days like us like not today but does the planet have days like we do 12 hours dark 12 hours late you know is that normal for that planet and as we were talking about the moon the other day other saying that the grit that's on the moon is so corrosive that it was actually starting to eat away at the astronauts boots and I find oh wow that's that's just deadly that is so I wonder if the sand on Mars at least it appears to be sand is the same way anybody have suggestions on that or comments

  2. Unfortunately, it's very uninhabitable for human. Unless a separate dome enclosure of sorts with heating element/solar because of the well below freezing temps. And cost would be near impossible

  3. There is life on Mars…it's not what we expected..they are robots…made by men and women. So as to the question is there life on Mars? Yes. Robotic life.

  4. Il paesaggio è molto familiare, se non fosse che l'ossigeno è lo 0,1% ci sono molte grotte abitabili dove si potrebbe vivere . Ma purtroppo sappiamo che Marte è la desiderata nostra seconda patria ma che è anche ricca di biossido e di monossido di Carbonio e che anche la gravità è di 1/3 di quella terrestre.
    Praticamente Invivibile allo stato naturale.
    Ma i nostri sogni nonostante ciò sono indistruttibili perché grazie a questa ostinazione niente diventa impossibile e alla fine si trova il modo per realizzare. Grazie, un saluto a tutti 👍😊💙


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