Mars: Perseverance Rover – Find a strange animal walking over the rock

Perseverance Rover – Find a strange animal walking over the rock


18 thoughts on “Mars: Perseverance Rover – Find a strange animal walking over the rock”

  1. Martian animals appear very basic compared to Earth's animals. For example, Earth's domesticated canines have developed into a bewildering variety of subspecies, and there is also much variety in our domesticated felines, while caudate primates also have a large variety of subspecies, from Marmosets to Monkeys and Baboons. This probably has to do with the different dimensions and conditions of the two planets.

  2. C a rock that looks like an ant. It doesn't move so I don't 🤔💭 see what you saw
    I did see what looked like a dinosaur foot petrified and what looks like partial buried skulls .

  3. Misteret e MARSIT jane te pa imagjinueshme, kur njerxit te zbresin aty shume pikpyetjeve do tu jepen pergjigje. Ju pershendes shkencetare te NASAS e shkencetareve te stacioneve te tjera qe operojne ne MARS.


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