Mars is Alive! NASA Detects Unusual Activity From Inside The Planet

Mars didn’t turn out to be as quiet as it was initially thought. Instead, the red planet is rumbling and grumbling with powerful seismic activity. Deep below its surface, the planet is witnessing dynamic tremors, and even today, there might be hot lava flowing just beneath the Martian crust. If it turns out to be accurate, it will change our understanding of Martian geodynamics acquired over the years and suggest that volcanic activity on the red planet is not just possible but is still occurring, and that, too, more frequently than expected.

But what does this rumbling signify? How will it change our understanding of Martian geology? Finally, and most importantly, how will this ground-breaking discovery impact our search for past and present life on Mars?

The 33rd episode of the Sunday Discovery Series answers all these questions in detail.

All Episodes Of The Series:
Basics of Astrophysics series:


Research Paper:
ETH Zurich Article:
InSight Mars Mission:
Mars Meteor Impact 2021:

Created By: Rishabh Nakra and Simran Buttar
Narrated By: Jeffrey Smith

The Secrets of the Universe on the internet:



48 thoughts on “Mars is Alive! NASA Detects Unusual Activity From Inside The Planet”

  1. Mars is still active because it is, like the rest of the creation, is only 6000 years old. The Bible, which is the true word of God, tells us the history of everything. It even lists the generations from Adam to Jesus Christ. And those few generations didn't live for billions of years.

  2. Or instead of volcanic activity, maybe its the secret "moon base" that conspiracy thinks on the moon…

    That is mars has been hollowed out and is secretly a massive military base/giant bunker, for the corrupt people in power, & the wicked people who happen to also be extremely rich.

  3. Great information as always thanks . Sad to hear that Insight is reaching its final stages . But well , the data it collected and sent back will prove instrumental in the future exploration of Mars .

  4. As smart as the scientists and engineers are supposed to be you would think they would put some sort of fan to blow off the dust accumulating on its solar panels, that way it could last decades instead of months or years. So smart yet dumb af when it comes to simple solutions. 🙄 In most cases simple is better.

  5. @NASA Please put solar panel wipers on the next iteration of rovers. We have had windscreen wipers on cars for decades.
    Why not dust wipers on rovers for the solar panels?
    Otherwise let the panels move upwards like gull wings of car doors and the dust drops off?
    What about blowers like those that blow leaves. If you can drill you can blow.
    If a designer is needed I'm happy to help.

  6. How can we still know so little about our neighbor planet, the one we can see from earth, the one we sent various satellites and even landed few robots on? And at the same time we can analyze the chemical composition of a galaxy 13 billions years away

  7. And everyone just takes NASA's word for it. Since its creation, it has lied, manipulated, defrauded, taking mountains of taxpayer's Money and giving us in return computer-generated pictures they've tried to pass off as real for years. It is one of the biggest scams ever to be conceived. What Do We Know About The VAN ALLEN BELTS? NASA engineer admits they can't get past the Van Allen Belts.


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