Mark Ruffalo | Smartless

Humble beginnings, motorcycle-hair, and a bean and cheese burrito cut in thirds. Welcome to Mark Ruffalo’s office… on an all-new SmartLess.

#smartless #podcast #wondery #markruffalo


24 thoughts on “Mark Ruffalo | Smartless”

  1. Wonderful conversation with Mr. Mark R. And, Sean and Jason rock the questions and their focus on the guest and were very engaging. Sean and Jason, we listeners appreciate your genuine interest in the guest and not spending many two minutes at a time breaks on talking about yourselves (and interupting). Had fun listening to just those three. Thank you Mark, Sean and Jason – great job to the three of you!

  2. Every episode of Smartless, at some point I will notice that I'm just grinning like a loon, and for someone to whom happiness doesn't come all that easily, it's testament to what a funny and positive show this is.

  3. Ruffalo, sadly turns out to be just another asshole actor who thinks he's an expert by virtue of portraying one in movies. Personally will never watch anything with him in it. So tired of these idiots creating public political campaigns on issues they know very little about


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