Mark Levin Audio Rewind – 12/18/23

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson from WREC fills in for Mark. Pope Francis and other faith leaders have approved blessings for same-sex couples but continue its ban on gay marriage. We now have a panderer as the Pope. There is too much pandering going on with all faiths. Faith is dying out because we’ve changed what faith is. The left thinks it’s dying out because we’ve become too right and wrong or not inclusive enough. But the reason is because Church has now become a numbers game. We don’t have a moral compass anymore and because of that the AOCs show up. Later, the Democratic party is dead, but what’s worse is the media that puts out its propaganda. This was an actual headline from NBC News – “Conservative news outlets alleged that the aide to Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., appeared in a leaked video showing men having sex in a Senate hearing room.” This was not a conservative conspiracy theory, there’s an actual video of it happening.

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20 thoughts on “Mark Levin Audio Rewind – 12/18/23”

  1. Dude I left the church 16 years ago, and converted to judaism. You're just a hater dude. I mean JCPenney sat with sinners in tax collectors. I left the church, and I went to a lot of big churches, and if you're not in their clicks, and know as much as they know, they don't want any part of you. The church is full of hate a people that are not them. I love Mark Levin, I listen to him every night when I get off of work timer at 2:00 in the morning but I'm not going to listen to you anymore. We Jews love everyone, unless you're a terrorist. Tel Aviv has the biggest gay pride parade in the world . I send a a bracha to everyone, I don't care who they are. I'll send one to you, even though you're a hater. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Jesus Christ is supposed to be the cornerstone of the church. He is the head of any church, or is supposed to be by God's design.

    Merry CHRISTmas started as a celebration of the greatest of God's gifts to the world…Salvation through his Son…Jesus Christ.
    All the commercialism in the world with money and merchandise has taken the world away from the true meaning of Christmas.

  3. 🇺🇸AMERICA VOTE BLUE💙 Ben Ferguson your buddy Trump is a damn idiot. During the Trump administration there wasn't one single day that the southern border was secure. Ben did you know that or you don't give a damn?

  4. Without a doubt NBC; No Balls Communists, would be CONFIRMING this story for DAYS if it were Republicans romping it up in that Senate chamber. Which tells what you need to realize about today's Dem, leftist, progressive puke.

  5. Greg Ferguson, you don't know what you're talking about. the scriptures are clear as to how we are to act, as Christians. Of course, homosexuality is a sin. blessing a tractor, you never see that in the Bible. come back to the Bible and you'll come to Christ, which is the only way to salvation. liars end up in the Lake of fire. Along with homosexuals and adulterers and drunkers. And anyone else who doesn't repent and come to Christ alone.

  6. Part of me hopes that I get to look Ben Ferguson in the eye one day and out him to the world as a closeted homosexual.

    When an idiot fills in a vacancy on a podcast, that’s run by another homophobic asshole — it makes you wonder why they spend so much time railing against the faith of others, being encouraging to what they oppose as sin, when people like Ben Ferguson are no better than any of the rest of us. It’s entertaining.


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