Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga – Part 25: Swimming Through the Oho Ocean Seabed

After unlocking their Firebrand & Thunderhand abilities, Mario & Luigi use their Hand Powers to unlock a path that leads them into the seabed of Oho Ocean.

Being underwater, jumping is replaced with swimming. To move faster, make Mario & Luigi swim together. Beware of the aquatic enemies you fight down here and continue to use your Hand Powers to solve puzzles and unlock new paths.

Naturally, Firebrand & Thunderhand can be used as attacks in battle, but there’s another thing you need to keep in mind about this.

Some enemies react differently to Mario’s Fire and Luigi’s Thunder. Some enemies will instead be healed instead of hurt, while others will take CRITICAL damage!

Experiment with what element does what to each enemy you run into and take advantage of that. Just remember that Hand Power attacks can’t hit airborne enemies, and at this point, I currently have no access to any Bros. Attacks involving them.

Besides all of that, bring the Mario Bros. to another Yellow Warp Pipe, use their brotherly teamwork to climb the pipe, and you should end up back within Beanbean Castle’s plains.

Elsewhere… far into the Stardust Fields…

Bowser was still reeling from the pain of falling off from the now-destroyed Beanstar. Approaching him were Fawful and the seal Cackletta, both also recovering from their defeat from now only Mario & Luigi, but also the finishing blow from Prince Peasley.

Cackletta was desperately looking for a new body to inhabit. Anyone would do. So Fawful dumped her soul into Bowser’s body…

A new evil was forthcoming. The flames of Bowser’s breath, combined with Cackletta’s cackling. It seems that the Beanbean Kingdom’s troubles were not yet finished.

And they all had yet to know… that the worst was still yet to come…


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