JC loses his mind to Bungie’s “Marathon” Reveal Trailer & “What is Marathon? ViDoc” Behind the Scenes with the Devs.

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24 thoughts on “MARATHON TRAILER REACTION (Bungie's Next Game)”

  1. I'm seeing so many veteran developers in that ViDoc. Chris Barrett has been with Bungie for forever now, I'm pretty sure he was there when the first Halo came out. I'm guessing this is what the A-team at Bungie has been working on, which might explain why Crucible and Gambit have been pretty anemic in D2 for the past few years…

  2. From what I gathered from the vidoc and the S'pht Compiler in the trailer, it seems we'll still be blowing away the S'pht and maybe the Pfhor too, just with other players thrown in that can help or impede on your progress, which sounds pretty fun. And from the ARG, I can assume that we'll be doing shit for multiple factions, mainly MIDA and the UESC, maybe with Cyberacme Systems and Traxus thrown in trying to profit on the conflict or something, IDK.

    Also, while I'm a much bigger fan of the OG trilogy's "grungy, yet otherworldly" style, the more "sleek cyberpunk mixed with Chris Foss-esque old-school sci-fi" aesthetic is really cool looking too.

    While I'm slightly disappointed that we're not getting a new single-player Marathon game, I still hope this game will be end up being a good time. Hell, maybe we'll get SP content later down the line if it ends up being successful.

  3. The idea that you, like – just YOU, and your team, can progress the game for all players, is so awesome. I've never heard of anything like it.

  4. Im seeing a lot of people diss this game so far but i honestly think this game will be successful and get a lot of people into the extraction shooter genre. I honestly think such a major studio trying to break into such a new genre should be celebrated and welcomed not what people are saying online. Anyway i have faith in the developers

  5. Hey JC, watching in the post-stream. It's been so so incredible seeing the community engaged with this game already and seeing your reactions to both live streams. Thanks so much for recording that. Bungie people are absolutely here and listening, and it's your passion for games that gives us passion for making them. Looking forward to when the team shares more. Cheers.

  6. Best reaction, ive been waiting for a AAA developer to tackle the extraction genre so I don't have to play with 3 monitors and have reddit maps just to not get lost. Top of my list for sure

  7. I think Bungie has great vision. They're capable of executing on that vision, but sometimes fall short. Despite being a drastic departure from gameplay Marathon is known for, I think that the game they want to make can easily fit into the IP in an interesting way. In the end, though, it'll all come down to execution. I believe that they can do it, but must also acknowledge how easy it would be for them to fall short.


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