[Manga Dub] I thought everyone hated me until I could 'see' the truth [RomCom]

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27 thoughts on “[Manga Dub] I thought everyone hated me until I could 'see' the truth [RomCom]”

  1. Oh Hell To The Nah! Four tsunderes, good lord that’s a terrifying situation. At least his new girlfriend apologized and started to be honest, so I barely let her slide. However, dealing with 4 damn tsunderes at the same time would literally be a living hell on Earth. Run dude, run far away with your girlfriend and never look back.

  2. I uh… think that hypothesis is a faulty one.

    The birthrate problem in japan is caused by the fact that too many people work too many hours for too little wage. There isn't time to date and there certainly isn't money to raise a child. If people worked less hours for better pay, things certainly wouldn't be as bad.

  3. 2:36 Are you really being sexist right now? Dude, the biologics of humans might say male and female have a difference in initial strength, but that doesn’t mean that women are forever forced to be weaker than men. They can train their body in just the same way that men can to enhance their body’s strength speed and flexibility. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover I always say.

  4. All of girls are disgusting.. talking to Mc like a piece of sh1t just because they tsundere motherf@$ckers can't holding they feelings.. Make a story Mc can stand himself even get trash talk his front and back. What a stupid story over and over again.

  5. Hmm. So the MC knows these girls treat him like crap, chalks it up to them being tsunderes, and decides to date one of them. WTF DUDE? Actions speak WAY louder than words and daily insults are no reason to be attracted to someone.
    Edit: studies show that 4/6 characters in this manga are bitches. I’ll give you a hint: MC and his girlfriend aren’t any of them.

  6. I never get the idea of "i like him so i will be shit to him so he will like me" it's so dumb, i want to see a comic were a bunch of girl do that and the guy just deleting himself doki doki style and than they walk into the room and see what they did

  7. Ha ha. This sounds so much like something one of the other channels have.
    Fuck me if I could remember what the channel's name was. But the most prominent character is basically God on Earth, named Moroboshi.

  8. Hearing all those hurtful things, I'd either completely ignore them as if I was deaf or I'd smash their heads into the desks until they were all out cold or my arms got tired.

  9. 15:39 It's just the WORST, BASTARD and more selfish thing that woman could say…and especially as woman, she should know that feelings aren't toys (both from men and women).
    Also, when the MC said there are guys like tsunderes, I would want to ask him to make some names…


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